Exploring National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Vet Data
Jurisdiction: Australia
What skills, training and qualifications do Australians already have that can support the transition from a fossil fuels-based to a clean energy-based economy? What are the gaps in skills, training and qualifications that may delay this transition, with a particular focus on the Gippsland (Vic), Hunter Valley (NSW), Central Queensland (Qld) and Collie (WA) regions?
The challenge involves exploring data from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and how it can be applied to this issue. For example, identifying skill shortages within emerging industries, particularly the clean-energy sectors; and identifying complementary skills and training that are transferable across sectors to move to a green energy-based economy in selected regions.
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
The NCVER is a not-for-profit company owned by state, territory and federal ministers responsible for training. It is the national body responsible for collecting, analysing and communicating research and statistics on the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector.
NCVER collects VET data through several statistical collections and surveys, which can be explored in more detail at VET statistics explained. All collections meet the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) and use the AVETMISS Validation Software to ensure consistent quality of data. Data available within the DataBuilder include statistics on VET students and courses, such as program and subject enrolments and completions, student characteristics, apprenticeships and training and student outcomes information.
NCVER data is available within DataBuilder, a fast and efficient tool that enables the user to construct customised data tables of VET data, including access to key attributes from most of NCVER's collections in the one place. Users can customise data outputs by:
• Adding/removing variables
• Dragging variables between rows and columns
• Filtering on specific categories
• Exporting data to MS Excel for further analysis
The Challenge
The challenge involves exploring how the VET data in NCVER’s DataBuilder can be applied by the general public to identify existing skills and occupation gaps that address the transition to a clean energy-based economy focusing mainly on Gippsland (Vic), the Hunter Valley (NSW), Central Queensland (Qld) and Collie (WA) regions. This includes identifying bridging qualifications in the energy sector, and identifying gaps for upskilling, particularly in clean-energy occupations (e.g., electricians and mechanics). There are a range of skills and training that are transferable across sectors that would complement a move to a green energy-based economy - to benefit individuals, businesses, and Australia as a whole.
Additional Information
Image credit: Department of Employment and Workplace Reform.
Eligibility: Participants must use the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) DataBuilder tool.
Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.
Dataset Highlight
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) - Data Builder