Bounty: Decision Support

Jurisdiction: Australia

How can we make it easy to use weather and ocean data to our advantage? (e.g. when should you lay concrete, or go out yachtting or picnicking?)

We are all faced with a lot of weather-dependent decisions each day, and we all need technology to make that easier. We face many decisions, both simple and complex, as individuals, groups, organisations and even governments.

Examples could include planning a picnic, deciding whether to take an umbrella, or working out if it's a good day to lay concrete. Decision support can also include "big questions" such as how should we use our oceans, or how can we make better town planning decisions.

This year’s bounty challenge is to take our data and make the very best system for decision support that you can!

This year we are highlighting the verification dataset as well as our oceans data set. Feel free to think outside the box, but this could take the form of an app, quick ways to access or visualise data, linking of decisions to statistics or key inputs, or summarising the information used to support a decision.

You are definitely welcome to use other data sets as a part of your challenge as well. If any of the other amazing datasets available for GovHack can be integrated with our weather or oceans data to support rich decision-making, that would be of interest.

To support activities such as mapping, hydrology, and water, we also have geospatial and water balance data available via API.

To get more detail on our data, take a look at

Happy hacking from the team at the Bureau of Meteorology.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

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