🌟 Canberra 2029 – Inclusive; Progressive; Connected

Jurisdiction: Australian Capital Territory

How do we use data from the past to predict a better future for Canberra? How do we best support the diversity of our community? Optimise the way we travel and transport goods throughout our city? Predict the jobs of the future – and the skills needed for them? Connect our citizens with their environment?

The ACT Population Projections 2018 to 2058 (https://apps.treasury.act.gov.au/snapshot/demography/act) point us to some exciting and challenging facts for us to manage into the future

  • By the year 2022 the ACT population is projected to reach over 452,000 people from the current (2019) 420,000.
  • We are projected to reach 500,000 by 2029 and 703,000 by 2058.

A growing population is more than just the numbers. The shape of our community, and our city, will also change. As our population changes, we will look for different places, and ways, to live. We will seek out new employment opportunities and new ways to travel between our homes, schools, places of work and places of recreation. We will continue to care about the impact of our actions on both the built and natural environment. We will want to become more involved in the decision-making that impacts upon our community.

What is in our past that can help us build a better future? Use historical data about Canberra to help shape what our city and community looks like in 2029.

Our major prize will be for the project that shows how you’ve used data to build a picture of the past that backs up your prediction for a better future. One that shows a full picture of Canberra 2029 in all (or the majority of) the following areas:

  • Transport
  • Housing
  • Business and skills
  • Environment and planning

We will also offer four runners up prizes for projects that predict a better future for the Canberra of 2029 focusing on at least one area of either transport, housing, business and skills, or environment and planning.

Please see that attached handout to get more detail on each of the individual areas.

Eligibility: Must use at least ONE relevant/related dataset from www.data.act.gov.au

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

ACT Government Open Data Portal

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Geospatial Data Catalogue

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Challenge Entries

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