Citizen Science

Jurisdiction: Victoria

How might we create a citizen science experiment to support a better understanding of what is happening in the State of Victoria?

Our citizens make our State a great place to live, work and play. We believe that citizen science can support a better understanding of what is happening around us. This is an open challenge to use data.vic data assets as part of a citizen science experiment.

Eligibility: Participants must use one or more datasets from data.vic.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

Victoria Future Urban Structure Land Use

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Victoria EPA Audit Reports

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VIC Traffic Signal Strategic Monitor Detector Data

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Victoria Crash Data Extract

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Victoria Bluetooth Travel Time (updates every 2 minutes)

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Victoria PTV Timetable API

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Victoria FarmBuild API

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EPA Environment Monitoring API

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Agriculture Victoria Soils API

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Challenge Entries

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