Connecting the health and fitness community in the CBD

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory

Who needs to get fit? All of us! Darwin has many fitness enthusiasts who use the city and its various parks and equipment to complement their activities. City of Darwin believes technology and innovation can support our community to stay active throughout the year.

Who needs to get fit? All of us! Darwin has many fitness enthusiasts who use the city and its various parks and equipment to complement their activities. City of Darwin believes technology and innovation can support our community to stay active throughout the year.

What if there was a way to see what gym equipment is available using a mobile app? Can technology bring like-minded people together to coordinate their exercises? Is it possible to enhance our sense of community via the posting of city challenges, e.g. who has the fastest lap around the CBD? – tracked using street sensors to track times at each stage? What are the best spots to exercise at during the wet season? Don’t forget options to incorporate light activity into everyday tasks – why not get off the bus a stop earlier? Or look for a coffee shop that is further away?
These are just ideas, can you think of a new direction?
This challenge requires competitors to think outside the box to motivate people, make it easier to exercise and to have more fun while doing so.

Bonus: The winner of this challenge may work with City of Darwin to apply for the 2018 Active Australia Innovation Challenge.

Eligibility: Use City of Darwin Data

Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Northern Territory.

Dataset Highlight

East Point Interactive Science Trail Map

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Interactive Science Trail - East Point

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Shared Paths

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Challenge Entries

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