Learning from the Past

Jurisdiction: Victoria

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand bushfire events and their effects on communities and the environment?

Victoria has experienced some catastrophic bushfire events over the last decade. We are not alone. Changing weather patterns have intensified bushfire activity across Australia. There are sources of data for these events over time across our State, Federal and local governments.

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand these extreme events and their effects on communities and the environment? Cross the borders and bring datasets together to build the explanatory power of your entry.

To qualify for the Victorian Government GovHack prizes participants must use one or more datasets from data.vic. Participants are encouraged to think deeply and broadly about how to sense-make with data in this challenge.

Eligibility: Participants must use one or more datasets from data.vic

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

CFA Total Fire Ban History since 1945

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Victorian Bushfires Severity Map 2009

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Fire History Overlay

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Fire Management Zones

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Designated Bushfire Prone Area

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EPA Environment Monitoring API

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Challenge Entries

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