Protecting South Australian growers from Fruit Fly

Jurisdiction: South Australia

How might we use data to communicate where fruit fly are being detected so we can notify the right growers as quickly and accurately as possible?

PIRSA checks over 7,500 fruit fly traps across the State every week and the results from this work are collected in real-time via a secure App which has been developed by PIRSA.

The data for this App is collected simultaneously by around a dozen Inspectors as they check the traps every day.

Growers need to be provided with real-time access to the results of trap checks on their properties so that they know immediately if a fruit fly has been detected but they should not be provided with the results of trap checks on other properties. It’s important that results are only provided for traps that growers are authorised to receive information for so that growers are not able to prejudice other growers as a result of a detection being made.

By making this data available to growers, they can respond quickly and eradicate the pest before it becomes established. It also provides PIRSA with a convenient means of informing growers of trap results without having to rely on less efficient processes.

Ideally, the platform could also be fit for purpose to manage emergency responses in the event of Varroa Mite, Foot and Mouth Disease or Lumpy Skin Disease in South Australia.

Additional Information:

Relevant links:

Dataset: National Minimum Data Set Surveillance: Scanning record of all traps serviced. This information is drawn from the database. It does not record if the fly detected was wild or sterile. Data captured by trapbase electronic scanning record.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

National Minimum Data Set Surveillance Report Data - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

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