SEED - Open Data with a Purpose

Jurisdiction: New South Wales

We are seeking to challenge the status quo. Moving from open data as a bi-product of government business, to active management of open data to better support reuse and innovation – hence open data with a purpose. To achieve this we want to trigger a conversation between developers and the data custodians.

SEED - open data with a purpose *
*Our 2018 challenge is ‘SEED - open data with a purpose’.

We’re seeking to challenge the status quo. Moving from open data as a bi-product of government business, to active management of open data to better support reuse and innovation – hence open data with a purpose. To achieve this, we want to trigger a conversation between developers and the data custodians.

We’re looking for an innovative app that uses at least one dataset from SEED as a central element, along with the best feedback to the data custodian recommending how they might improve the data’s discoverability, access, and useability for developers.

We’re particularly interested in feedback on data that has a significant potential for re-use as demonstrated through your app concept. The data may not be usable in its current state.

Feedback suggestions
Your feedback could be on:
• Suggestion for data cleaning or preparation.
• Improvements for web data services delivery ie performance, content, structure, or currency.
• Data schema changes eg. to improve data interoperability or usability.
• Data Dictionary or typologies ie. missing information that makes the data difficult to interpret.
• Data formats to support machine readability.
• Improvements to data structure to support time series analysis.
• Documentation of data product eg. improvements to missing, ambiguous or inadequate data set names, labels or metadata, or need for supplementary support resources.
• Suggestions for overcoming data discovery and access problems.
• What else can you tell us?

What will I be scored on?
You will be scored on the feedback you provide and your idea ie. app or concept put forward to use the data (not about feasibility but if the vision is agreeable and if we could do it).

Eligibility: Use at least one dataset from SEED as central element, plus feedback on potential improvements to it.

Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in New South Wales.

Challenge Entries

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