Transport - Transitioning to COVID-Normal

Jurisdiction: Victoria

How do we better understand the transport options available to support people getting back to work and school as we transition to COVID-Normal, as well as learn more about impacts and opportunities for the broader transport system and associated services (logistics, freight, parking, infrastructure etc)?

COVID-19 and the various measures put in place to combat its spread have had an impact on the mobility of people across the spectrum of transportation modes, including short-term commuter mode-shift from public transport towards cars. These impacts have had a flow on effect for economic activities and supply chains across the country. If current changes to travel patterns become more entrenched there may be longer-term implications for congestion, productivity, emissions, and the efficient use of transport assets.

Given the various unknowns about the short-term and long-term effects, what are the opportunities to support the sustainability of all transport sectors.

Eligibility: Participants must use one or more datasets from Data.Vic.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

Restricted bridges for Class 2 B-Doubles and Class 3 B-doubles operating under Victoria's Livestock Loading Scheme

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Grain Harvest Management Scheme (GHMS) B Double network for use by road managers and operators

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Structure Height Clearance data

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Principal Bicycle Network (PBN)

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Bluetooth Sites

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Victoria Bluetooth Travel Time (updates every 2 minutes)

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PTV Timetable and Geographic Information - GTFS

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PTV Metro Tram Routes

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PTV Metro Train Stations

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Department of Transport Bluetooth Travel API

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Traffic Signal Volume Data

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Challenge Entries

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