🌟 Visualising the soil quality of Victoria

Jurisdiction: Victoria

Agriculture Victoria have years of meticulously collected soil quality information. This wealth of data is an incredibly rich resource for farmers, industry and researchers who make decisions based on what’s on, or under, the ground. This might include ecological planning, bushfire mapping or deciding on next generation crops. How would you represent this data to help decision makers?

Universally, farmers, researchers and members of the agribio industry need to know ‘what’s the nature of the soil at this location’? Is it sandy, organic matter rich, full of clay? Their reasons for asking it are varied and may be for short or long-term projects. By accessing accurate, easily digestible information it may make a world of difference and help make better, faster, more sustainable and generally better-informed research, planning or investment decisions.

For inspiration you can take a look at:

Eligibility: The use of the Agriculture Victoria Soils API on developer.vic.gov.au

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

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Agriculture Victoria Soils API

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