Water Quality - Gippsland Lakes

Jurisdiction: Victoria

What is the data telling us about what drives water quality in the Gippsland Lakes?

There are many views in the community about perceived changes in water quality over the years in the Gippsland Lakes and what might be causing these issues (e.g. rainfall and stormwater, dredging, wastewater, etc). What story does the data tell us about what is driving water quality in the Gippsland Lakes?

Additional Information:

Relevant links:

• How EPA monitors Water Quality - https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/for-community/monitoring-your-environment/monitoring-victorias-water-quality#:~:text=Freshwater%20monitoring%20and%20Yarra%20Watch&text=We%20monitor%20freshwater%20quality%20through,responding%20to%20pollution%20events
• Gippsland Lakes Environment Report – https://www.loveourlakes.net.au/learning/environment-report/
• Gippsland Ports Dredging Report 2021-22 - https://www.gippslandports.vic.gov.au/reports/2018-tshd-lakes-entrance-dredging/
• Gippsland Ports History of Dredging fact sheet - https://www.gippslandports.vic.gov.au/reports/history-dredging-entrance-gippsland-lakes/

Eligibility: Participants must use one or more datasets from Data.Vic.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

History Of Dredging At The Entrance To Gippsland Lakes

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Gippsland Ports - Reference Reading

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Gippsland Lakes Environment Report - Love our Lakes

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Data Victoria water data

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Bureau of Meteorology climate data

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Victoria Water Measurement Information System

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Marine Water Quality Data Report Card - Environment Protection Authority Victoria

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EPA Victoria Water Quality Reference Materials

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Challenge Entries

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