🌟 What's the coolest way to travel across the city?

Jurisdiction: New South Wales

Using datasets which map urban heat and green cover across Greater Sydney, we challenge you to develop a tool which visualises green routes through the city. Help people avoid urban heat and move across the city in comfort by mapping out green streets and pathways which connect shopping centres, public transport stops and public spaces.

Greater Sydney Commission has a vision for a connected Green Grid across Greater Metropolitan Sydney.
Already, GSC has used the Urban Heat & Green Cover (UH&GC) datasets, produced by DPIE Climate Research, to map the exposure of communities to urban heat and their proximity to green spaces in a baseline report, Pulse of Greater Sydney: Measuring what matters in the Metropolis.
But people stand to benefit from a user-friendly tool which puts this information in their hands and enables them to plan comfortable green routes across the city on public transport and along walkways. Equipped with green maps in their pockets, people can prepare for, manage and adapt to rising heatwaves and urban heat

Eligibility: Must use at least the Urban Heat & Green Cover dataset(s) from the SEED portal.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

SEED - Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data

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NSW Urban Vegetation Cover to Modified Mesh Block 2016

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NSW Urban Heat Island to Modified Mesh Block 2016

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NSW Heat Vulnerability Index to ABS Statistical Area Level 1 2016

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Greater Sydney Region Urban Vegetation Cover to Modified Mesh Block 2016

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