Nazmul Kaonine

I led the project covidvaccine-ready for govhack2020 which won multiple awards and mentions. I am a business data and BI analyst by profession. I have participated in Govhack 2020 as the team lead of Hackerknights. Our project (covidvaccine-ready) was selected in the final round. I have a Masters degree in data analyst with distinction average and have worked in various leadership roles.


#excel data modelling
#bi dashboard visualisations
#machine learning
#data analytics


#i am a data visualization enthusiast and i love to participate in hackathons and kaggle competitions where i use python.


GovHack Participant (Virtual Edition) 2020

GovHack Badge Art

Challenge Honourable Mention 2020

GovHack Badge Art

Challenge Winner 2020

GovHack Badge Art