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_Australian Style Guide - AI Linter_

Project Info

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Project Description

AI-Powered Australian Style Guide Linter

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AI-Powered Simplification of Government Documents 🤖 - Watch Video


This project aims to leverage AI technologies to enhance the application of the Australian Government Style Manual, making government content more clear, accurate, and user-friendly. It consists of two main components:

  1. style-guide-scraper: A Node.js application that parses the Australian Style Guide XML.
  2. style-guide-linter: A Next.js application that allows users to input text and receive AI-powered suggestions based on the Style Guide's grammar rules.

Original Challenge

How can we use AI to create clear, accurate and user-friendly government content? Specifically, how can we use AI tools to apply Australian Government Style Manual (Style Manual) rules and guidelines to create, edit and review content? Content that is clear, accurate and understandable helps people make informed decisions and comply with their obligations.

The Australian Government Style Manual is a crucial resource for ensuring consistency and clarity in government communications. This project addresses the challenge by:

  • Centering government communication around people's needs
  • Adhering to Australian style, spelling, and conventions
  • Making content accessible to diverse audiences

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Linting: Utilizes ChatGPT with a system prompt formatted from the grammar/punctuation/words subsection of the Style Guide.
  • Real-time Feedback: Highlights areas for improvement in user-submitted text.
  • Updateable Dataset: Can be kept current by rerunning the scraper on the latest Style Guide.

Project Structure


A Node.js application that:
- Pulls down specific pages from the Style Guide sitemap
- Removes HTML and converts content to markdown for easy parsing by OpenAI


A Next.js application that:
- Provides a user interface for text input
- Calls OpenAI API with the style guide markdown file
- Highlights suggested changes based on grammar rules

Future Enhancements

  • Browser Extension: For seamless integration into writing workflows
  • GovCMS Integration: Automatic review of content during submission
  • Specific Rule Linking: Direct references to Style Guide sections

This project was developed as part of GovHack 2024, addressing the challenge of improving government communication through AI technologies.

#ai #data #accessibility #style #guide #australia

Data Story

From Sitemap to Markdown: The Journey of Style Guide Data

In the digital age, government communication needs to be clear, consistent, and accessible. Our AI-powered Australian Style Guide Linter project begins with a crucial step: extracting and formatting the Style Guide data. This is the story of how we transform the web-based Style Guide into a format that our AI can understand and use.

The Source: Australian Government Style Manual

Our journey begins at This XML file is like a map of the entire Style Manual website, listing all its pages. But we're not after everything - we're focusing on the grammar, punctuation, and conventions sections.

Step 1: Downloading the Sitemap

Using the axios library, we fetch the sitemap XML. It's like grabbing the map before we start our expedition.

const sitemapContent = await downloadSitemap(sitemapUrl);

Step 2: Parsing the Sitemap

We use the xml2js library to transform the XML into a JavaScript object that we can work with. It's like translating the map into a language we understand.

const urls = await parseSitemap(sitemapContent);

Step 3: Filtering the URLs

We're not interested in the entire Style Manual - we're focusing on specific sections. We filter the URLs to include only those related to grammar, punctuation, and conventions.

const filterUrlsByPath = urls.filter(url => url.includes('/grammar-punctuation-and-conventions/types-words'));

Step 4: Downloading and Processing Pages

For each relevant URL, we:
1. Download the page content
2. Use JSDOM to parse the HTML
3. Remove unnecessary sections (like 'about-page-section' and 'block-webform')
4. Extract the main content
5. Convert the HTML to Markdown using TurndownService

This process is like distilling the essence of each page, removing the fluff and keeping only what's important for our AI.

const dom = new JSDOM(;
// ... (content cleaning)
const turndownService = new TurndownService();
const markdown = turndownService.turndown(prettifiedContent);

Step 5: Saving Individual Files

Each processed page is saved as a separate Markdown file. It's like creating individual chapters of our Style Guide book.

await fs.writeFile(filePath, markdown);

Step 6: Combining Files

Finally, we combine all these individual Markdown files into one large file. This is our complete, AI-readable version of the relevant parts of the Style Guide.

await combineDownloadedFiles();

The Result

What started as an XML sitemap and a collection of web pages has been transformed into a single, comprehensive Markdown file. This file contains all the grammar, punctuation, and convention guidelines from the Australian Government Style Manual, ready to be used by our AI linter.

This process allows us to:
1. Focus on the most relevant content for our AI
2. Remove website-specific elements that aren't needed for content analysis
3. Create a consistent, easily parseable format for our AI to work with

By automating this process, we ensure that our AI always has access to the most up-to-date style guidelines, helping to maintain the quality and consistency of government communications.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets


Description of Use Pulled the relevant grammatical and punctuation data from the dataset, formatted it from html into markdown so that it could be understood by an LLM.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Improving the Accessibility of Online Government Services

How can we leverage AI to design inclusive digital solutions that ensure seamless and equitable access to essential services for people with disabilities?

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.

Use AI to transform bureaucratic jargon into plain English

How can we use AI to create clear, accurate and user-friendly government content? Specifically, how can we use AI tools to apply Australian Government Style Manual (Style Manual) rules and guidelines to create, edit and review content? Content that is clear, accurate and understandable helps people make informed decisions and comply with their obligations.

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.