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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

During 2021-2022, Unity water rolled out smart water meters in the Moreton Bay area. These smart meters allow residents to track their total daily water usage. We are proposing a modification that provides residents with a breakdown of total water usage in areas of your homes like kitchen , bathroom, laundry, and outdoors. By doing so we allow the users to have a better understanding of their water usage and manage consumption accordingly.

#peerdriven #iot #waterislife #sustainability #aqua #thefuturecounts #water

Data Story

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

ABS- Water Account, Australia

Description of Use Informing on use of water resources and pressure points as well as values involved.

Data Set

Unitywater - Digital Water Meter data

Description of Use Graphing and trying to extrapolate and compare different users water profiles.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digitising your drinking water

Clean water is an essential service for our communities and has been identified as the ‘Blue Gold’ for the next generation. How might data be harnessed to influence people to reduce water consumption? How might monitoring and tracking water usage now help protect this valuable resource for future generations?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.