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Aussie Career Map

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Akhil Karun , Dhanya

Project Description

Aussie Career Map helps to make smart career decisions based on realtime Australian job market data. Did you know that even after the COVID-19 pandemic, job vacancies have gone up by 38% in Australia compared to pre-COVID? This means although some industries like Hospitality, Beauty are affected by pandemic, some might have actually blossomed or sustained. Our app combine Australian Skill Mapping dataset with Australian Internet Vacancies Index Metrics to find out the best career transition pathways for a user that suits the current Australian job market trend.

Use Case 1: Find In-Demand Careers that Require Same Skillset (Experienced)

Discover occupations with same skill requirements but have more vacancies in Australian job market.

Example: Hair dressers are out of job due to the NSW Lockdown in 2021. But there are other 8 occupations that require exactly same skills but have currently more vacancies in the market.

Use Case 2: Find Easy Career Upgrade Paths (Experienced)

Discover occupations that require less than 3 or less skill improvement and have highest number of job openings.

Example: If Bill (Hair Dressing) improves 3 Skills he can qualify to over 8 new Occupations.

Use Case 3: Find Easy Career Upgrade Paths (New Workers/Youth)

  • Select an occupation to see the required skill sets
  • Bonus: See other occupations that match the exact skill sets but have more vacancies in Australian job market. Hence makes you make the smart choice!

Example: Matt is interested to pursue a career in *Sales and Marketing** and he uses Aussie Career Map to find which skills he has to acquire for that. In addition to the skill list, he also sees a suggestion that the General Manager occupation requires the same skill sets but have more vacancies in current Australian Job Market*

#occupation #skill #job #career #insights #australian-job-market

Data Story

We explored the possibility of combining two career related datasets to help users make smart career choices tailored to current Australian job market.

Australian Skills Classification Dataset provides the skill mapping to help identify if all other occupations that match a selected Occupation. We have developed this algorithm and included in the Evidence of work.

The Internet Vacancy Index dataset helps to find out the occupation with most number of vacancies in the current month in Australia.

We combined both these information to suggest user the smartest career moves available to them at present.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

IVI Detailed Occupation Data - March 2006 onwards to July 2021

Description of Use Used to determine the best occupation in current Australian job market when comparing two occupations with same skill set. Occupation currently with highest vacancies in job market is considered the winner. Example: If Occupation A and B have exactly same required skill set and Occupation B have more openings then Occupation A then Occupation B is suggested as a 'Market Insight' for any person who is viewing details about Occupation A. Parent page:

Data Set

IVI Factsheet - July 2021 (566.8KB)

Description of Use To get an overall idea of job market grouped by Occupational group. Helped to identify 5 Occupational Group with Largest Annual Growth and give it extra weightage when exploring skill transferability from other occupations.

Data Set

Vacancy Report - July 2021

Description of Use To get insights and summary of the job market performance and growth has been affected by covid etc. It's noted that job vacancies are boosted by 38.3% even after covid has affected the economy. This led us to look for industries that have a boom during this period and possibility of skill transferability to occupation in such industries.

Data Set

Australian Skills Classification 12-03-2021

Description of Use Given an occupation, this dataset helped to match other occupations that have the exact skill requirements. This means a worker can switch careers that are more in demand in the market. Given an occupation, this dataset also helped to identify new career paths that require to improve less than 3 skills. This means a worker can identify and improve his current skills and become eligible for other occupations more benefits. Given and occupation, this dataset helps a new worker to determine the set of skills he needs to acquire to qualify for the career.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Exploring the National Skills Commission’s Australian Skills Classification

How can the general public learn about and be encouraged to interact with the Australian Skills Classification to identify skills within occupations, identify their own skillsets and identify transferability to other occupations of interest?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.

Jobs and Growth for Moreton Bay (QLD)

How can we create a prosperous future for our youth?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Deadly choices for Moreton Bay (QLD)

How can we support the development of social and cultural outcomes across the Moreton Bay Region?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Youth education and employment

How might we use publicly available data to identify education and employment opportunities for our youth?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.