Project Description
Housing affordability is a problem faced by many young adults in Sydney. We decided to visualise this serious problem in a concrete but light-hearted way via a Monopoly board, letting users find out which suburbs an average person in their area would be able to afford a house in.
Users select which LGA they live in. Our model then takes an average 30-year-old living in that area, and computes their projected income and savings over the next 25 years. Comparing this against projected house prices and possible mortgage strategies, it predicts which suburbs this 'average person' would be able to afford a residential property in, and how long they would have to save before they could afford it.
This is then visualised on the Monopoly board, with each 'property' space on the board corresponding to a Sydney LGA. Check it out!
We used ABS data to calculate LGA-level income levels and growth rates, and publicly available house price data to calculate median house prices in each region.