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Team Name:

Team 2635

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Evidence of Work

Be More

Project Info

Team 2635 thumbnail

Team Name

Team 2635

Team Members

Lerr , Ali Mohammadi

Project Description

A simple app that is designed to improve the well-being of people but at the same time gathers the information of the user ( gender, age, height, weight, how social he/ she is, etc)

Purposes of the app:
Helping people to improve their well-being level.
Gathering data to predict the well-being level of people who use the app as a guest (anonymously) and who log in and create a profile.
Tracking user behavior for ACT wellbeing framework domains (health, economy, safety, living standards, etc.) and having information about the domains' intersections. For example, X user who has spent 15 minutes on the health domain and mental health indicator has also spent 45 minutes on the economy domain and employment indicator.
Reaching out to more diverse data thanks to the translate API's.
Users click on any domain that they want to improve themselves.
He will be asked some questions which will be stored in temporary memory and at the end while the user submits the form these answers will be saved to the database.
The user would be able to ask the app the field where he wants to improve himself and he will receive the response from ChatGpt.
If the user prefers to ask the question and receive the response in any language rather than English, translation API middleware will be added.
(as an extra feature the speech-to-text AI tools also can be used for accessibility)

#wellbeing #self-improvment #life hacks #health #independence #chatgpt api #google tarnslate api.

Data Story

12 Domains and the indicators provided by the ACT well-being framework have been used as data in this project.
However, these data have been presented in a more interactive way to users for simplicity and understandability.
This data also is presented to non-English speakers after passing through Translate API which interprets it as their language.
It gives the user the opportunity to ask questions that are not covered by the 12 domains of the ACT well-being framework.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Innovating Wellbeing Measurement – Uncovering New Connections

We want to explore different ways to link data and outcomes to domains and indicators under the <a href=""> ACT Government’s Wellbeing Framework.</a> Exploring external data sources can provide broader insights into the factors influencing our wellbeing, and improve its measurement.

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Civic participation for a more resilient, cohesive democracy.

How can we help more people to understand their democracy, have an opportunity to participate in civic life, contribute to their community, and/or feel a sense of belonging and responsibility?

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.