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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

connecting recent arrivals to their new community
1. new arrival installs app (android/ios)
2. user completes their profile, including nationality, religion (if desired), age-group, sports, and personal interests
3. app confirms location services or prompts for current location
4. access to pages for:
a) local features
b) local sports clubs etc matching sports in profile (google maps)
c) local interest groups matching activities / personal-interests (google maps,, facebook groups)
d) local contact details - groups or influential persons of interest (JPs)
e) suggested sources of further information or contact details with instructions and links ie facebook, meetup, citizens advice bureau, etc

Data Story

  • census or other data for ethnic community makeup shown as choropeth geographic map
  • merged with visitor numbers by destination region (from customs/airport arrivals with NZ destination data)
  • showing nationality of birth but able to be aggregated by general world regions
  • clubs scraped from and/or google
  • groups ideally scraped from facebook (not possible)
  • groups ideally scraped from (not possible)

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

International migration: June 2019 – migration by New Zealand area of residence – CSV

Description of Use arrivals and departures (net international movement) for migrant intentions by NZ region 1. to be correlated with population and other statistics to determine an estimate of migrant demographics within regional communities.

Data Set

International travel and migration: September 2017

Description of Use this is the only dataset providing visitor/migrant intentions regarding NZ regional destination, therefore providing the data anchor for cultural diversity and numbers "you are not alone" (if able to harvest data from the last decade or longer) for the nation-of-origin of our new residents datasets (this particular data is tragically "temporarily unavailable" from NZ Stats!). 1. assume proportion of new migrants, are relatives of already resident NZers, therefore 2. use this data, alongside 50 years of immigrant nationality information, and regional population growth, as well as census information, to help refine an estimate of each region's ethnic/nation-of-origin, as the "reassurance" factor that the new resident is amongst friends

Data Set

Crosstab of granted New Zealand Citizenship

Description of Use Aggregate number of granted New Zealand Citizenships segmented by country of birth. 1. unpack the cross-tab for use by country totals irrespective of year 2. apply the country of birth data accross the regions by statistical algorithm based on: a) regional/district council estimates of cultural diversity b) surname analysis from the electoral roll (perhaps - needs to be applied for on scientific or health grounds, and paid $497.80) c) arrival-card destinations asserted by migrants/visa from customs declarations and NZ Stats migration data (aggregated from Worksheet 7 (when available) of the international-travel-and-migration-sep17-tables.xlsx and

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovate New Zealand

Best innovative hack using Stats NZ data

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.