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Project Info

KinderGeek thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Bone Storm is a new wave Enterprise system where local composers can join the largest original composers forum. The website includes composers forum where there is tablature, bass, chord sheets, interviews, and just a chat bot.Once logged in, you can share files such as; guitar -bass tabs through the internet browser. Most importantly, the website is regulated by an administrator and moderators , who have privileged access .

Primarily, the website is an internet forum where online discussion about music takes place. The site contains a thread, or node full of listings. Depending on forum's settings the user can be anonymous or a registered user.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

A-Z list of government sites

Data Set

Information Technology—DoE

Data Set

ForwardIT Digital Literacy Resources Content

Data Set

E-Government - Use of the internet and related technologies to improve public sector performance

Data Set

South Australian Community Services Directory

Data Set

Listed Adult Community Education Providers

Data Set

Community Infrastructure Designations

Data Set

Community care programs

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digital Culture

How do we make our digital cultural heritage collections engaging for online audiences? What experiences should we be developing beyond the search and retrieve box to visualise gallery, library and museum collections online and encourage their reuse and good storytelling?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Physical Culture

How might we better integrate our digital collections and datasets into our physical gallery, library, or museum spaces?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping a social impact ‘start up’ (small organisation) to tell their story

Small and informal community/interest groups who have formed to solve local problems need data to know if their activities are making a difference and to re-design programs. How can we help these groups tell their story through data so they can seek support (political, financial, and on the ground) by showing how their programs are working, and decide where to focus next?

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.