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Team TelStars - BudgetBuddie

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Evidence of Work

Budget Hoa

Project Info

Team TelStars - BudgetBuddie thumbnail

Team Name

Team TelStars - BudgetBuddie

Team Members

Syam C , Thiru , Gokul , Arun Abilash , Praveen PL , Prasanna P , Kaviya and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Here is Budget-Hoa, our digital friend for financial empowerment to get required advise anytime from anywhere.

Nowadays, peoples in Newzealand goes through a number of challenges in terms of financial success. There are multiple reasons for this including lack of financial literacy, No discipline in earn-spend ratio and unconscious bias.

We analysed the Akahu data to understand the scenarios that influence the financial metrics of peoples in Newzealand, patterns, factors that influence occupational mobility etc.

Analysing the data from Akahu, financial dashboard database of national accounts, reserve bank of Newzealand etc gives a clear picture that people in Newzealand need good financial advise for improving the financial literacy and investment behaviour.

The main areas where people face challenges are little or slim knowledge on financial aspects which lead them to poor financial choices, ended up in too much debt and no retirement support. A key aspect is the non-disciplinary earn-spend ratio in which people do unconscious expenses making it difficult for them to manage earnings properly leading them to fall in debt.

Considering all these, we have our application Budget-Hoa for helping people to succeed financially providing empowerment along with career and emotional support.

The digital friend Budget-Hoa enables people empowerment by providing better financial literacy, emotional support and career advise. The application is easily accessible, simple and mainly scalable and customisable.

#hoa #budget #digital buddy

Data Story
Detailed information is available in

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

NZ - spend behaviour

Description of Use key points from the page: Investor Confidence: Sharesies investors are generally more confident and willing to take risks compared to the average New Zealander. Economic Impact: Both groups are cautious due to the global economic downturn, but Sharesies investors are better equipped to handle market fluctuations. KiwiSaver Choices: A significant number of both groups have actively chosen their KiwiSaver providers, especially those nearing retirement. Financial Literacy: Financial education remains a concern, particularly among Māori and Pasifika communities, though improvements are being made.

Data Set

NZ House price trends

Description of Use House price trends. and how this is impacting use decision and need for planning

Data Set

NZ usage of spend

Description of Use Spend profile of a typical person

Data Set

Challenge Entries

BudgetBuddie: Build a personal finance companion.

Create a personal finance personality tool that analyses and categorises New Zealanders' financial behaviors using open public data, integrating AI to offer personalised recommendations for kiwis to be better with their money.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.