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Team Name:

Data Florist

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Evidence of Work

Business Barometer

Project Info

Data Florist thumbnail

Team Name

Data Florist

Team Members


Project Description

What if we had a friendly mobile application that could report the water, electricity, gas, wastewater, and air pollution for every business in Australia? What if we could tell each business whether they were using more or less than the average consumption for their business type and LGA? What if we could guilt businesses into better practices by sharing this data with consumers? What if business efficiencies resulted in a better environment?

Data Story

The "Queensland state schools—utilities expenditure" is an awesome spreadsheet and formed the basis of my project.
We'd need a blend of data from the ATO, Open Data Portal, AEMO, QLD Water, BOM, and many others sources both real and proposed to create a tool for business owners and consumers to make better decisions for the environment and their bank account.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Queensland state schools—utilities expenditure

Description of Use This is an awesome spreadsheet and formed the basis of my project. What if we could do this for every business in Australia? What if we could tell each business whether they were using more or less than the average consumption for their business type and LGA? What if we could guilt businesses into better practices by sharing this data with consumers?

Data Set

Information page about sewerage, provided by QLD Water

Description of Use I'd like to correlate the wastewater produced by each address with the ATO business register to provide a report of each businesses wastewater production.

Data Set

Information page for AEMO

Description of Use I'd like to correlate the electricity and gas provided to each address with the ATO business register to provide a report of each businesses electricity and gas usage.

Data Set

Air Quality Monitoring - 2020

Description of Use It is proposed that the site locations be correlated with the business addresses provided by the ATO to provide closest match air quality reporting. Further, the number of IOT devices should be expanded to allow greater granularity and coverage.

Data Set

Unitywater - Digital Water Meter data

Description of Use It is proposed that the dataset be expanded to include more (all) commercial properties, and enriched to allow correlation with an ATO provided identifier.

Data Set

Small Business Benchmarks

Description of Use The basis of the design. Used to compare performance of similar businesses.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Small business performance indicators

How can we help small business owners to easily compare how their business is tracking across a range of performance indicators compared to other similar businesses?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Digitising your drinking water

Clean water is an essential service for our communities and has been identified as the ‘Blue Gold’ for the next generation. How might data be harnessed to influence people to reduce water consumption? How might monitoring and tracking water usage now help protect this valuable resource for future generations?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.


What can we do to ensure the sustainability of Queensland’s natural environment?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.