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Simply Smart Hackers

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Evidence of Work

C zero

Project Info

Team Name

Simply Smart Hackers

Team Members

Scarlett , Jonathan , Travis , Annabelle Wang , Linda Zhong , Chun Hoe Tan Ryan , Sarosh , Donna and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

NOTE: Please view Google Doc Story for full transparency:

C zero focuses on helping reduce carbon emissions through the collaboration and promotion of micro mobility and city landscapes. Our goal at C zero is for Australia to reach zero net emission by 2050, through connect public transport with public landscapes.

If you wish to see zero like we want to see zero, then join us and become Australia’s next hero.

Github Link:
Figma Proto-type:

#netzeroemission publictransport publicspaces web3 citylandscape

Data Story

Proof 1: We used the demographic dataset from the Informed Decisions community website to know the public's preferred Method of travel of work. The data below compares the Census data of the year 2011 & 2016 and we can see the preferred method of travel to work over the years is Car - as a driver.

We have had an insight of the data for South Australia as well Australia as nation wide.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011 and 2016. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).

Proof 2: As we identified in the previous data set the most frequent way of commuting was Private motor vehicle, we researched on how Transport is costing Australia in terms of Emissions. We researched and used the data from University of Wollongong, Australia and were shocked to know that the Transport emissions have gone up 64% since 1990. The Transport emissions, actual & trend, by quarter, September 2009 to September 2019 has seen a constant increase.

(Note : Units in below figure are in equivalence to Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent)

Reference: Australian Government || Department of Industry, Science and Resources. 2020. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: September 2019. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 August 2022].


Proof 3: From the above two datasets & research we brainstormed and came to the conclusion to check whether there are enough registered projects for Transport to support the cut off for Emissions. We used the Australian Government Data set for Clean Energy Regulator and realized that there was no interest in the project for Transport Q1 for 2019, fast forward to 2022 and datasets still say there are Negligible Transport projects in Q1 for 2022 as well.

Reference :

Proof 4: After brainstorming around the problem, we came up with a solution - Czero with an aim to promote people to use public transport more along with public spaces in a carbon controlled way. As our solution bridges between public transport & public spaces we did a research to know how often people are accessing the public spaces. According to an article in the IT news Australia was grinding to halt, especially more post the Covid period. After numerous research we used the data set from Google - COVID-19 Community Mobility Report which proved there had been a major decrease in public spaces as well as transport

Conclusion (Why this Solution): After researching & brainstorming all the poof datasets we were convinced we can use Czero as an opportunity to bridge public transport & public spaces and connect both aspects to promote a better & healthier environment for future generation that leads to achieve Net Zero Emission by 2050

Clean Energy Regulator data shows lack of support for transport projects
Data shows there is limited (negligible) interest in transport project
Data shows australia is the hird largest source of emission
Lowest annual emission of carbon since 2008 (data that they have provided us
Research has indicated a decrease in the use of public spaces over the last 3 years

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

COVID-19 Community Mobility Report

Description of Use Research to know how often people are accessing the public spaces

Data Set

Quarterly Carbon Market Report - March Quarter 2022

Description of Use We used the Australian Government Data set for Clean Energy Regulator to know the pipeline of project for Transport industry

Data Set

Australian Government || Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Description of Use We researched and used the data from University of Wollongong, Australia to knowbthe Transport emissions

Data Set

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011 and 2016

Description of Use We used the demographic dataset from the Informed Decisions community website to know the public's preferred Method of travel of work

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Helping Australia reach net zero emissions by 2050

Australia has a goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. How can Australians use public spaces, including city landscapes to achieve these goals?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.