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DI/CER Dream Team

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Evidence of Work

Charging ahead: Houston, we have a solution!

Project Info

DI/CER Dream Team thumbnail

Team Name

DI/CER Dream Team

Team Members

Vin , Ehsan , Priya , Lily and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has always led the country in terms of social change. Canberra is powered by 100% renewable electricity, however private transport remains a large source of carbon emissions for the territory. Electric vehicles promise increased energy security by reducing foreign fuel dependence, decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, stimulating economic growth through development of new technologies and industries, and public health by improving local air quality. There are substantial technical, social, and economic barriers to widespread adoption of electric vehicles, including vehicle costs, lower driving ranges, long charging times, and the need for charging infrastructure. The ACT Government has already implemented policies that are aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the ACT with initiatives such as building and maintaining active transport infrastructure and the transit lane privilege initiative. This hack further encourages and empowers citizens to make the switch to zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) and go green by helping the ACT government appropriately plan charging station infrastructure for 2045.

#zero emissions vehicles #transport #energy efficiency #act #data analysis #charging stations #decarbonisation #clean future #infrastructure

Data Story

Leveraging datasets including from ACT Government and ABS on vehicle registrations, population, transport methods and zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) to understand the current role of ZEVs in the ACT. Harnessing domestic and international reports to gain insights on the required number of charging stations by understanding electric vehicle uptake including barriers in leading markets. Reconciling all data to build a model to help the ACT government predict the number of required charging stations for ZEVs in 2045.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

The state of electric vehicles in Australia - SECOND REPORT: DRIVING MOMENTUM IN ELECTRIC MOBILITY

Description of Use To gain insights on the required number of charging stations by understanding electric vehicle uptake in leading markets, such as the Netherlands and California.

Data Set

ACTQP HTS - Average Trip Distance Categorised by Transport Method and Trip Purpose

Description of Use Understanding primary transport motivations in the ACT.

Data Set

ACTQP HTS - Distance Travelled Categorised by Method of Transport

Description of Use Understanding primary transportation motivations in the ACT.

Data Set

Breakdown of purchase incentives for the top 9 markets for BEVs including the value of the incentives. (Table 1)

Description of Use Understanding the value of incentives for BEVs in leading international markets.

Data Set

Motor vehicle registrations by state and territory, 2021

Description of Use Verifying the ACT Motor Vehicle Registrations dataset and base estimate of 312,230 registered vehicles for our calculations.

Data Set

Projected populations, Australian Capital Territory

Description of Use To estimate an ACT population of 623,242 in 2045.

Data Set

Vehicle registrations by motive power

Description of Use Understanding the current state of play of motor vehicle demographics in the ACT, particularly the role of zero emissions vehicles.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

The future of transport

How does transport need to change in the digital age?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

The Electric Vehicle Future

How do we help people go green?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.