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Project Info

Tel-Stars thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Dhrisya , Aleem , Sravanthi , Thiru , Praveen PL , Divya

Project Description

Australians play a major role in bringing the community together.
By enabling the responsible citizens & leaders to be early respondents, supporting the Emergency management systems, the power of human volume will make a positive impact on how we manage Emergency in future.
The Citizen in Touch Prototype / concept enables this by embedding technology with available tools from Telstra and publicly available data feeds.

#telstradev #connecting community #messaging #diversity

Data Story

Citizenintouch - Bringing Gov and community closer
This includes the way we approach emergency notification and communication.
The solution envisages a process & technology to support emergency management function.

Bringing more people volunteers to be part of emergency event management.
Using verification process to ensure and improve reliability of information.
Provide citizens with encouragements, even virtual such as one we coined as AussieMerits or other government supported ways.
The Leader plays a role and the technology supports in wider reach of community communication.
The wider people can make use of this technology to be better informed and helping in faster decision on the steps in terms of an emergency.

Key Usecases
Citizen Police - observer their locality & report to their contact points in government in case of any breach to rules & regulations affecting general public
Citizen Respondents - volunteers who would report any safety hazards, accidents, fires to the authorities
Local Community Leader - to the people registered for community notification with diverse language and remote nature.

Citizen-in-Touch brings additional ownership to emergency warning by enabling and encouraging verified & trust-able citizens to contribute to public safety.
It allows leaders to be closer to the people and talk in their language using AI technologies and Telecom for faster response.
With usage of technology and support from respectable organisations like Telstra, this solution can bring a different human-centric approach to how we deal with Emergency in future.

Credits & Resources
Basic Code -
• TelstraDev’s messaging API:
Government of South Australia (2020) Emergency Department Dashboard: SA Health (Dataset)

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Telstra Dev APi

Description of Use Used to notify relavant stakeholders. Provide alternate methods and faster ways to connect

Data Set

SA Health

Description of Use Emergency Feeds can be used in line with reports made by Citizen Respondents to understand the area of impact.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Connecting our community in an emergency with mobile messaging

How can our local leaders use mobile messaging to connect with citizens in a safe, reliable, and effective way for emergency communications?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.