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Team Name:

Team 200

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

Clean city

Project Info

Team Name

Team 200

Team Members

6 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

We are designing an app that combines spatial information about several sorts of waste management facilities in one easily accessible spot on your phone.
The app inlcudes the location of:
- publically accessible bins (green, recycling and landfill)
- publically accessible toilets
- bin collection days for your home address
- automatic calender reminders the night before bin collection of your home address
- drop off locations for the future SmartWaste system

future implementations:
- locations of recycling and green waste drop off location
- Bar code scanning of items to recieve information on what type waste it is. (Does it go into recycling, green waste or landfill)
- Accessing information on the producer and distributor of items and packaging by scanning the bar code of an item. This will allow investigation about where rubbish comes from.

Data Story

Open source sunshine coast council data was used for this project.
The following data sets were used:
- Public bin locations
- Public toilet loactions
- Bin collection days
- SmartWaste drop off locations

The datasets were downloaded and critical data extracted and saved as csv files. The csv files were layed over google maps. Our app links dirctly to this map including all information.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Locations of publically accessible

Description of Use The raw dataset was exported in a .ArcGIS JSON file type. It was then converted to a .GeoJSON as raw data. The data was then input into QGIS as a layer. The layer was then exported as a .GeoJSON file. Then it was converted to a CSV file. The data was then cleaned. The clean CSV file was then overlayed on top of google mymaps.

Data Set

Bin collection days by street

Description of Use The csv file of the data was downloaded and the required data was extracted and uploaded to a googlemap. This map is liked to our app so the data can be displayed in it.

Data Set

SmartWaste Location Datasets

Description of Use The raw dataset was exported in a .ArcGIS JSON file type. It was then converted to a .GeoJSON as raw data. The data was then input into QGIS as a layer. We then exported the layer as a .GeoJSON file. Then it was converted to a CSV file. The data was then cleaned. The clean CSV file was then overlayed on top of google mymaps.

Data Set

Locations of publically accessible toilets

Description of Use The raw data was downloaded to GPS for Google Earth. The data was saved as a google earth kml file and converted to a CSV file so it could be filtered. The filtered data was imported to google maps (my maps) and the URL for the map was linked to the app. The user of the app is linked to the created map and can search and obtain directions for public toilets in close proximity.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Save Lives With Data

How can we use data and technology to better the health of the Australian population, and what could be the economic impacts?

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.

Litter Challenge

How might we prevent littering of fast food packaging?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Sunshine Coast Community

How can we raise the social capital of the Sunshine Coast?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Sunshine Coast Sustainability

How can we preserve our great Sunshine Coast for the next generation?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.