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Team 1050

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Evidence of Work

CLEAR (The app of the future)

Project Info

Team Name

Team 1050

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The world has been shut down due to the catastrophic outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, the present and distant future is in jeopardy and how to slowly get back to the world that was once known is proving difficult. Australia is struggling to stay virus free with the second wave proving to be very destructive, the government losing a grip of social distancing and contact tracing. However, our team have come up with a solution to ease Australia back to their normal and be effective if there was ever another pandemic to sweep the world. The team have constructed a mobile app called 'Clear', this app will aid the user to stay away from hotpots and heavily populated areas that might contain the virus. 'Clear' will keep track of the spread of the virus and prevent anyone from catching it, once opening the app it will show you the region you are in and a live feed of Corona virus cases. Not only will the app do this but it will also aid the user on where they want to go and suggest the best possible business for their needs. 'Clear' will show a live feed of how many people are actually in store allowing the user to stay away from the crowds and a fair distribution of sales to other businesses. The app will also have an exercise and job finder service where businesses can post that they are looking for staff, the exercise feature will show non busy routes for exercise and if gyms are holding outdoor classes. The teams presentation will visually show and prove that the teams app 'Clear' is a revolutionary tool and the way to a heathy future. Overall 'Clear' will aid the user for the service they are looking for and reduce the spread of Corona virus, speeding up the Australia's recovery from Covid-19 and aid with future pandemics.

Data Story

The first data set that was used is the COVID-19 Live data-Australia, this data set was used to keep an accurate count of corona virus cases in areas for the users of the application to be informed. This gives the users peace of mind of number of cases in the exact location they are and doesn't leave them to guessing.
Nation Litter Index data set was used to measure the rubbish pollution in Victoria, this data was going to be used in the development of the app and introduce a reward system and at the same time clean up the city of waste.
Approved COVID Safe Industry Plans data set proved to be extremely important when developing the platform for the application 'CLEAR'. This data set allowed the team to see what businesses were heavily affected by the pandemic and which businesses would benefit the most from the implementation of the application, it was clear that in these times the business are struggling and need help drawing customers for sales. This application won't just help them in these times but will forever benefit the businesses.
Queensland COVID-19 Statistics proved to be an important data set to focus in on key cities and towns. It was used to analyse Queensland and its standpoint on Covid-19 and what precautions are being taken and what areas need to be improved/avoided. This is important data because helps the application guide people away or to appropriate areas.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

COVID - NZ Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment - COVID Factsheets

Description of Use This data set was used to analysis the impacts COVID-19 had on various industries in New Zealand as a guideline to what Queensland could initiate to help mitigate effects the pandemic has on local business and Industry

Data Set

Queensland Government Statistician's Office - Labour and employment - Regional

Description of Use This data set was used to analysis and evaluate the extent of the impact from COVID-19 on Employment/Unemployment in regions of Queensland.

Data Set

COVID-19 Live Data - Australia

Description of Use Data Used to further analysis the current state of Australia and each state in regards to response to COVID-19.

Data Set

Approved COVID Safe Industry Plans (Queensland Govt Data)

Description of Use Approved plans were used to evaluate current action within each industry to examine which industries are heavily affected by the pandemic.

Data Set

Queensland COVID-19 Statistics (Queensland Govt Data)

Description of Use The data set was used to identify and then analysis the current standings of Queensland on COVID-19.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.