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Team Name:

Altis Canberra

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

Community Skin Health

Project Info

Altis Canberra thumbnail

Team Name

Altis Canberra

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Created a image classifying application to enable users to interact with a pre-trained model which gave them guidance on possible skin conditions. The application is designed to supplement existing government data sets to get valuable insights on community health trends. It also allows the community to engage more actively with the government using a medium they are already very familiar with.

Data Story

Using IOT devices is a smart way to gather data from users to build up a accurate data set. Combining this with AI and other pre-existing data-sets allows for all sorts of possible discoveries regarding data correlations. For example combining our data with sets from the bureau of meteorology or ABS occupation data could lead to new insights regarding environmental factors and community skin health.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

SkinCondition App

Description of Use The device interacts with the user and collects data to be used and compared to other data sources.

Data Set

Historical weather observations and statistics, Bureau of Meteorology

Description of Use We used the UV statistics from these weather observations to find correlations between reported cases of skin conditions and the recorded weather observations at the same time.

Data Set

International Skin Imaging Collaboration (“ISIC”) Public Image Dataset

Data Set

ACT Govt - ACT Selected Cancer incidence and mortalityHealth Sep 2018

Description of Use Compares reported skin condition cases to other environmental factors yearly over the last 20+ years.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Making open data more open.

How can open data be presented on to make it easier and friendlier to use? Does this mean making it more similar to using standard search engines, like Google, or something else entirely?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Canberra

How do we keep our city, and our people, healthy?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Save Lives With Data

How can we use data and technology to better the health of the Australian population, and what could be the economic impacts?

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.