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I adopted a puppy today but I'm still here hacking

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Evidence of Work

Correlation Explorer

Project Info

I adopted a puppy today but I'm still here hacking thumbnail

Team Name

I adopted a puppy today but I'm still here hacking

Team Members

Håkan Sjölin , Styliana and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description


Local and federal governments have significant amounts of data that they have opened for public use. We know that currently, these datasets are gold mines to provide unbiased education of young people on the world they live in, but aren’t accessible in a fun or even simple manner. In fact, they often require significant understandings of data analysis to make sense of.


Correlation Explorer is a website that allows users to find trends between different data variables from open data. For the purposes of this challenge, users can upload their own datasets to find correlations on our graph. In the future, our recommended datasets will also be uploaded for use.

As seen by the success of a viral correlations website (Spurious Correlations), the first step to engagement is creating something people want to engage with; something fun and user friendly. This can benefit young people looking for some fun relationships; for example, while building this program we found correlations between number of dentist practices and child protection services, as well as number of liquor licences and kindergardens. However, this data can also expose and quickly validate important issues; we found correlations between Indigenous populations and unemployment, as well as single parents and decreased personal incomes.


The possibilities of datasets used are endless, and we encourage local governments to send in their own data. In the future, we aim to upload a large dataset for the user’s use, and to add interesting information on each variable below the graph. The room for future education is infinite; the first step is to engage.

Data Story

To create and test this program, we merged multiple datasets including the 2011 Town and Community Profile Data, the Yoga Pilates and Tai Chi in Victoria, as well as the Liquor and Gaming License, and created a large single dataset to test and track correlations.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Community Services (NSW)

Description of Use This was used as extra data to put into the correlations application to see what works between NSW data and Victoria data.

Data Set

Liquor and Gaming License

Description of Use This dataset was used to connect with the main dataset we used 'Town and Community Profile'. We used this data to connect the information of liquor license registrations around Australia and compared its correlation with added from any other dataset.

Data Set

2011 Town and Community Profile Data

Description of Use This was our main dataset that we connected with all other dataset. We used the 'Community Name' to connect the town names with any data set to combine the use of data within and outside of Victoria.

Data Set

Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi in Victoria

Description of Use This data set was brought into a comparison of Victoria data with the Town and Community Data.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

More than apps and maps: help government decide with data

How can we combine data to help government make their big and small decisions? Government makes decisions every day—with long term consequences such as the location of a school, or on a small scale such as the rostering of helpdesk staff.

Go to Challenge | 58 teams have entered this challenge.

Australians' stories

What meaningful ways can we tell the story about what it's like to be an Australian, and in what ways some Australians live very different lives than others? How can we make people more aware of the issues facing themselves and others as they go through life?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Mix and Mashup

How can we combine the uncombinable?

Go to Challenge | 61 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Making open data more open.

How can open data be presented on to make it easier and friendlier to use? Does this mean making it more similar to using standard search engines, like Google, or something else entirely?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

My (Liveable) Victoria

Using the data available on Data Vic and My Victoria, how might well-being be represented and measured in Victoria?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Telling Stories with Data(.Vic)

Accessing any of the datasets on data.vic, this challenge asks participants to extract and tell stories from data. Alternatively how might we facilitate citizens’ own inquiries and investigations via the Victorian Government Open Data Portal?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.