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Dancing Ninjas

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Evidence of Work

Covid Super

Project Info

Team Name

Dancing Ninjas

Team Members

dandi , Joseph and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Data Story

Overall, this project describes about the negative impact in retirement fund for young Australian due to early superannuation withdrawn in covid-19 pandemic. The topic has addressed by using government website data, Apps and superannuation calculator. The data are used by taking yearly average income and superannuation fund of Australian ages between 25-55. This will help Australians easily make an informed decision on whether they will withdraw any of their superannuation, how much they will withdraw and the impact if they do. It is an easy way to work out how much of an influence this will have. Eventually this app will help young Australians think about their future and ensure that they are making good decisions with their money. The project is limited between the ages 25-55, but any age group can find their future negative impact in superannuation using same process. This application only estimates using average income of $50000 and 9.5% super contribution by their Employer. This application is not using any specific information about client such as gender, type of work and number of hours worked. In future we will be improving this to store client information and estimates more accurate results. 

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Access information for early super

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2017-18

Description of Use Spread sheet 23 and 24 used in calculations of averages for superannuation

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Withdrawing super during COVID-19

How do people understand and prepare for their long term financial needs after withdrawing their superannuation during COVID-19?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.