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Team Name:

Happy Goats

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Evidence of Work

Crowdsourcing data audits

Project Info

Happy Goats thumbnail

Team Name

Happy Goats

Team Members

Yvonne and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

CrowdQuests is a game which has quests and missions to encourage physical activity and learning about points of interests. The quests are designed for:

* Learning about locations
* Crowdsourcing data updates
* Crowdsourcing new information
* Knowledge about problems
* Encouraging certain behaviours

CrowdQuests can be used by councils, agencies and corporations to crowdsource data and geospatial audits through a game interface. The game engine uses predictive user behaviour to encourage increased activity and usage. Challenges and missions can be submitted along with data sets.

We are aware we are not eligible for prizes/awards but are keen to help your agency crowdsource data audits and/or change behaviour through a game

Google Slides Presentation Deck:

Data Story

We have used a bunch of data from Launceston City Council (and can do the same from Hobart City Council) to load up a base layer on our map. It provides the opportunity for players to update details about what is shown on the map based on Quests that will be promoted to users based on their location and demographic. The demographic data and behaviours are preloaded into our algorithms to provide better Quest suggestions. Data from ABS and G-NAF and various other jurisdictions were used to work this out.

New data provided by players will be then reported to the relevant jurisdictions.
Photos taken would be processed by CrowdQuests servers using image recognition to produce rich meta data (including geotagging).

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Kingston Council Community Satisfaction survey

Description of Use Understand Kingston Council area and what customers like or need to understand better about the council's good work

Data Set

QLD Data

Description of Use Bunch of data from QLD data hubs for use as either quests of understanding demographics to provide better quests or routing

Data Set

Non Domestic Assults

Description of Use For use understanding safety and demographics

Data Set

Data from ACT

Description of Use For Quirky Canberra we are creating some quests to get people to go to visit quirky canberra and discover more! To do this we grabbed data about different spaces to send them there.

Data Set

Property Prices from ABS

Description of Use To understand the demographics of players based on location

Data Set

Property prices in the UK

Description of Use for use understanding demographics

Data Set

Launceston Parking Meters

Description of Use For use in a Quest

Data Set

Launceston Heritage Places

Description of Use For use as a Quest

Data Set

Launceston Rubbish Bins

Description of Use For use in Quests

Data Set

Launceston Public Seating data

Description of Use For use in a quest

Data Set

Launceston Recreational Trails

Description of Use For use in Quests

Data Set

Launceston Playground Equipment

Description of Use for use in a Quest

Data Set

Oral Health Services Tasmania - Clinic Locations

Description of Use To get some coverage into Somerset for Richard to do some testing!

Data Set

Challenge Entries


How can open data be used to make a social impact, contributing to the betterment of society? How can we improve prospects for children, and education, using open data? What sort of impact can be made on homelessness, mental health outcomes, or the environment, using open data?

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

You're Not Alone: Teen Health Challenge

How can teens and youth in the Northern Territory seek and become aware of the availability of health services?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Quirky Canberra

Awarded to the team who uses data to highlight the quirkiest facts about Canberra that changes people’s perceptions of the city

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Spatial data challenge

How can spatial data be leveraged to provide the best community outcome? How can this mapping data be used to deliver value to the people of NSW?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Sunshine Coast Community

How can we raise the social capital of the Sunshine Coast?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Transforming the national to the international (National)

Where should Australian Businesses go next?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

More than apps and maps: help government decide with data

How can we combine data to help government make their big and small decisions? Government makes decisions every day—with long term consequences such as the location of a school, or on a small scale such as the rostering of helpdesk staff.

Go to Challenge | 58 teams have entered this challenge.

A New Start

How can we improve the process of starting or growing a business?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Making open data more open.

How can open data be presented on to make it easier and friendlier to use? Does this mean making it more similar to using standard search engines, like Google, or something else entirely?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Integrating AIHW

How can we integrate AIHW and other data sources in interesting ways?

Go to Challenge | 28 teams have entered this challenge.