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Team Name:

Weekend warriors

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Evidence of Work

Cutting the Queues

Project Info

Team Name

Weekend warriors

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our project aims to provide greater access to government services by reducing the demand for face to face appointments at government services.

File corrupted, original full length video

Data Story

Our project aims to make the front page of government services contact page to consist of 5 options. The first 3 options will consist of contact with relevant government agents either locally or, if via phone/internet nationally, with their wait times listed next to the option to encourage use of the least congested option, whilst the last 2 options will be a self service system utilising internet and SMS with no wait time and helpful step by step instructions. The first 3 options will operate on an appointments only system, inform users of necessary documentation, and provide a time estimate for their chosen process.

We utilise;
-Existing government centre locations and public transport data to provide users with routes and transit times to their closest designated government centre.
-Historical and up to date data of centre wait times to provide users with an estimated wait time.
-Up to date weather data to inform users of weather issues associated with their chosen service.
-Queensland traffic data is used to provide a transit time for public and private vehicles to assist in arriving at a government service centre in time for their appointment.
-Bus stop locations are used to assist in public transport transit to the government centre.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

General transit feed specification (GTFS)—South East Queensland

Description of Use This data set and future up to date versions will be used in the final product to provide users taking the public transport option to a centre for an in person appointment with information regarding when they should leave their current location in order to attend their appointment on time.

Data Set

Sunshine Coast Council - Bus stops non sheltered

Description of Use This data set is used as part of our prototype product to show how the product would direct users who wish to access the face to face option and attend a government service centre in person and wish to take public transport to their closest centre.

Data Set

Sunshine Coast Council - Bus stops sheltered

Description of Use This data set is used as part of our prototype product to show how the product would direct users who wish to access the face to face option and attend a government service centre in person and wish to take public transport to their closest centre.

Data Set

Queensland traffic data averaged by hour of day and day of week

Description of Use Our final product will use this data set to analyse historical trends in transit times to assist in providing a transit estimate. This will allow our product to accurately inform users when they should leave their current location in order to attend their appointment on time.

Data Set

Transport and motoring customer service centres

Description of Use This data will be used in our final product to provide customers with the locations of Transport and motoring customer service centres.

Data Set

Queensland Climate Data Online

Description of Use This data is used to provide up to date information on the weather in an area of Australia. Our final product will draw upon this data to inform users of potential weather issues with attending government service centres.

Data Set

Customer Service Centre Wait Times

Description of Use We used this data as a prototype to structure our help service solution. The final product would use this updated in real time to provide information such as waiting periods and available appointment times. The solution would also draw upon this data to provide accurate estimates on processing times for customers.

Data Set

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