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Team Name:

Re: Imagine

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Evidence of Work

Data: Manage

Project Info

Team Name

Re: Imagine

Team Members

Hayden , Alex

Project Description

Over 129 billion masks were used globally every month, with the numbers increasing during covid’s peak. This means that over 3 million masks are thrown away in the rubbish bin every minute.

To tackle the covid waste and overall recycling crisis, our team, re-imagine has developed a plan that will manage and repurpose covid wastes. Allowing businesses and government facilities to have an easy and accessible alternative to dispose of their covid waste. We seek to educate businesses to better recycle their materials.

Introducing Re-Manage, a 5 stage plan that seeks to repurpose waste, and turn them back into everyday goods and for infrastructure usage.

#data #covid-19 #waste repurpose #waste management #corona virus #improvement #information

Data Story

Data: Manage's goal is to provide education and a plan, that will tackle the covid waste crisis.

Using open data sources, such as the city of Adelaide, has allowed us to grasp a better understanding and knowledge of this crisis, thus creating a solution to solve it.

The data that are used, were presented in a different format, such as numbers, graphs, maps etc... These data were analysed, and used throughout the project.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

WHO Manifesto for a healthy recovery from COVID-19

Description of Use This dataset was used to brainstorm the overall idea and used to develop the 5 stage plan we have developed. Furthermore, it provided with insights and stragities in which we implemented into our project.

Data Set

Resource Recovery Action Plan

Description of Use This dataset was utilised, to better understand the waste crisis. Although this action plan tackles common wastes, such as food scraps, cardboard etc... This was still an inspiration and provided valuable information, allowing us to create our 5-stage solution to the covid waste crisis.

Data Set

Resource Recovery Strategy

Description of Use This open government resource was used to grasp a better understanding of the recycling actions that are taken by the government. It was also used to investigate how much recyclable and organic waste is going into the red waste bin from businesses.

Data Set

Face masks and the environment: Preventing the next plastic problem

Description of Use We used this dataset to identify the covid-waste crisis, and as a framework for our overall project. Allowing us to grasp an understanding of the waste crisis and especially covid waste. This data set, also allowed us to predict how many masks, or other covid-related materials we will be able to save from landfill with our plan.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Re-imagining recycling for businesses in the City of Adelaide

How do we identify the best locations to implement a zero avoidable waste approach for businesses? How do we maximise the use of these locations so businesses feel empowered to waste less and recycle more?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

Managing or repurposing Covid-19 waste

How might we help re-think, repurpose or rehandle present and future Covid-19 waste?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.