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Data By Design

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Evidence of Work

Data Seeker

Project Info

Data By Design thumbnail

Team Name

Data By Design

Team Members


Project Description

This is an entry for the GovHack 2020 Queensland Event. The project team is me – Kylie Docherty. I am an IT teacher based in Brisbane with a passion for using openData to create innovative Digital Solutions My project is called Data Seeker.

The problem my project addresses is the unemployment emergency created by the current COVID pandemic. Data Seeker aims to provide an accessible way for marginalised job seekers to connect with job opportunities during our current pandemic and help small businesses impacted by COVID-19 connect with the right people to kickstart their recovery.

Many workplaces now accept applications online and run interviews via zoom.  This is a bit difficult for people in marginalised areas to engage with since many people still have no access to the internet and many of the long-term unemployed do not have access to a smart phone.

What if finding a job was as easy as creating an interest area profile? What if finding employees or customers or training resources was as simple as entering what you need and waiting for the list of recommendations to appear in your inbox. What if people without access to smart phones or the internet could interact with online employment services by sending and receiving a simple text message?

My GovHack 2020 project idea is to create a Job/Employee OpenAPI Recommendation Engine powered by an AWS Neptune Graph Database and link this to the TelstraDev Messaging API. This would provide a way for a range of existing online employment services, job seekers and job keepers to post their data via a simple text message and receive alerts to jobs that match their interest profile.

My prototype is not complete – even as hackers some of us had trouble connecting with teams in our areas of interest .. maybe we also needed an OpenAPI Recommendation engine to find each other. But the work I have done this weekend exploring AWS and Telstra API services and exploring the online data sets relating to the digital divide, job keeper and job seeker statistics and jobs experiencing systemic shortages will lay the foundations for future development of this idea. The endpoint from the tutorial I completed has been posted in the Source Code url link but it is nowhere near complete and is currently experiencing proxy issues.

#aws #telstradev-messaging-api #employment #job-seeker #job-keeper #covid19 #queensland

Evidence of Work

Project Image

Team DataSets

Australian Digital Inclusion Index

Description of Use Identify extent of exclusion from digital employment services.

Data Set

Queensland Government contracts directory—awarded contracts

Data Set

Department of Education Contract Disclosure Report

Data Set

Skill Shortages

Data Set

JobKeeper postcode data

Data Set

Job seeker data May 2020

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Pandemic Survival

Help us survive a pandemic!

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Government Spending

What can we learn from government spending data?

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Assisting job seekers to take advantage of digital employment services

How might we use our de-identified data on job seekers, and other data that are publicly available, to discover new opportunities for job seekers to best use digital employment services.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting our community in an emergency with mobile messaging

How can our local leaders use mobile messaging to connect with citizens in a safe, reliable, and effective way for emergency communications?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Small Business and Tourism

Small business and the tourism industry need your help to survive! How can we get them back on track?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.