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Team Tom 'n Suse

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Evidence of Work

Data to the people!

Project Info

Team Tom 'n Suse thumbnail

Team Name

Team Tom 'n Suse

Team Members

Susy , Tom

Project Description

We will use a rapid-application-development tool to quickly create a browseable database using some of the available data sets.

Data Story

Our team’s purpose has been to turn publicly available data into an easy to use and searchable tool that is accessible for all Australians regardless of their tech abilities.
We have done this by creating a simple and effective interface that allows the user to explore data and identify relationships and commonalities with a few easy clicks o the mouse. This tool allows for deeper digs into the user’s area of interest by using the search feature.
The team has looked at two key areas of interest.

1. Tax. There are two assurances in life and one of them is tax. We have broken down the 2017-2019 tax statistics by postcode which has allowed us to give a clear breakdown of tax payments in Australia. The ability to view and read data so succinctly will allow the public and those in government to better understand the demographics in different postcodes and determine where financial education is needed most.

2. Using survey data from Victorian school leavers we have created a snapshot of what plans young people make after finishing VCE. We looked at each secondary school in the state, average income for each suburb and whether students went on to university, TAFE, apprenticeships or employment. Displaying comprehensive statistics in an easy to use and search format will be another tool for prospective parents when choosing schools and for government departments when deciding what resources to allocate.

The bigger picture of what we are trying to do, is to make tabular data sets more accessible to online users. We think that the interface we have developed is generally applicable to most tabular data sets. We hope that in the future, when a government employee adds a spreadsheet to a portal such as, another quick option will be to upload that spreadsheet to an online database where it will be automatically combined with data from previous years or with similar data sets. This will make the data much more useful.

Also note that Tom used a low-code rapid development tool called Flatpack Apps to create this application. Tom is the founder and developer of Flatpack Apps.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

2020 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria

Description of Use We created a MySQL database to store this data, and imported the data from the spreadsheet into the MySQL database. Our online app at uses the MySQL database.

Data Set

Taxation statistics - postcode data

Description of Use We created a MySQL database to store this data, and uploaded a subset of data from the spreadsheets for years 2018/2019 and 2017/2018. Our online app at uses the MySQL database.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Our financial future

How might we use publicly available data to safeguard citizens’ financial future?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Youth education and employment

How might we use publicly available data to identify education and employment opportunities for our youth?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.