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Project Info

iWing thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Lixin , Mingxi Li and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our project is to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles, coffee cups and containers.
The project uses the MAP, GPS and real-time detection information to locate the near take-away restaurants, the cafes and the fountains.
If customers go to the merchants using their own bottle, cups or containers, both the merchant and customers will be awarded by points. Also, if the users go to use the fountain in the park, attend some events related to reducing plastic and invite more friends to use our APP to reduce the consumption of plastic, the users will be awarded by points as well. Every week there is a rank for users and merchants to show who has the most points and give them vouchers or discounts for the user using in the future. Meanwhile, the merchants with high rank each week will be shown on the first page of our APP, which can promote the sales of the merchants. In addition, it is a good way to show the responsibility of protecting the environment of this merchant, which can increase the reputation. In this awarding way, the plastic consumption will be reduced.

#non-plastic #reject disposable plastic products #using your own cups #green cups #green restaurant

Data Story

The address point of Tasmania shows the whole map information and navigation. It is designed to be accessed via the App.
The App uses the data to locate the nearby cooperated restaurants and cafes and show on the App. The App is to encourage customers to bring their own's reusable mugs for their takeaway drinks or coffee. Instead of only showing the nearby restaurants and cafes, the App is also capable of searching the specific name of the restaurants and cafes to check matching. The result will be showed on the map along with a list showing the restaurants and cafes from the most matching to less matching.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Open Street Map - Tasmania

Description of Use This dataset is to determine the location of the take-away restaurant, cafe, and water fountain.

Data Set


Description of Use MapTas is publicly available through your computer’s web browser or via your mobile device. The App uses the data to locate the nearby cooperated restaurants and cafes and show on the App. The App is to encourage customers to bring their own's reusable mugs for their takeaway drinks or coffee. Instead of only showing the nearby restaurants and cafes, the App is also capable of searching the specific name of the restaurants and cafes to check matching. The result will be showed on the map along with a list showing the restaurants and cafes from the most matching to less matching.

Data Set


Description of Use MapHobart is an online map viewer that allows you to view or create your own personalised maps of Hobart, using a wide range of authoritative land‐based information. MapHobart is publicly available through your computer’s web browser or via your mobile device. The App uses the data to locate the nearby cooperated restaurants and cafes and show on the App. The App is to encourage customers to bring their own's reusable mugs for their takeaway drinks or coffee. Instead of only showing the nearby restaurants and cafes, the App is also capable of searching the specific name of the restaurants and cafes to check matching. The result will be showed on the map along with a list showing the restaurants and cafes from the most matching to less matching.

Data Set

LIST Locality and Postcode Areas

Description of Use This dataset was to use to identify the locations of hospitality in Tasmania

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Track and trace: help end plastic waste

Plastics contaminate Australia’s lands and seas, and challenge our industries, communities and decision makers with an exponentially growing problem. How might we enable and empower Australians to help de-plasticise our country and report plastic waste in our environment for a healthier future.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Tasmanian Data to create something that could be an economic success?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Use of Tasmanian Spatial Data (GovHack 2020)

How can you use Tasmanian spatial data to improve life for Tasmanian residents or businesses?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Open challenge to benefit the greater Launceston community

How can your idea benefit the community of Launceston? This is an open challenge so come up with something creative.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.