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Team Name:

Priceless Passion

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Evidence of Work

Dear Diary

Project Info

Team Name

Priceless Passion

Team Members


Project Description

An App called "Dear Diary", for the school going population, that analyses a child mental health and behavior, and decides games and studies on the basis of his/her/their mental health and peer data.

Data Story

Every one in 3 children in Australia faces racism. And this has very adverse impact on the mental health of the children, contributing to worse future conditions for them in terms of financial situations, mental health situations, parenting, and a lot many other factors. The only solution is therefore, to understand the mental health of the kids facing racism, and the kids that impose it. Monitoring that would give an idea of how to treat the kid who faced it, and how to change the thinking within a child who thinks racism is okay.
Data from :
was used and analyzed to come up with the solution called Dear Diary. A diary that helps become a best friend for children, analyze their mental health and help change curriculum and gaming experience based on their mental conditions.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Racism and Mental Health

Data Set

Hate Crime Statistics

Data Set

Mental Health Data

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Awareness, understanding and respect – How can Open Data help the #BLM movement?

The Black Lives Matter (#BLM) movement is not new, neither are racial injustices. However, in 2020 a series of racially motivated deaths, brutality and profiling in the US sent shockwaves around the world. Over 15 Million people took to the streets around the world to protest, and demand change. What can Open Government Data do to help the movement?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.