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Team Name:

Charlotte's Web

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Charlotte's Web thumbnail

Team Name

Charlotte's Web

Team Members

Charlotte , Brendan and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The Covid-19 pandemic has been hard for everyone. But it has been particularly difficult for vulnerable Australians. Older Australians, and those with a disability can have a challenging time accessing government services at the best of times. Many people in these situations rely on family, friends and public services such as libraries to access crucial digital services like Centrelink, MyGov, and printing. But during lockdowns, libraries are closed, and even when they are open, many vulnerable Australians are rightly concerned about visiting these public spaces due to the infection risks.

So how can we help people in these key vulnerable groups access digital services? Normally, our instinct is to jump to a digital solution for a problem like this. But in this case, digital technology IS the problem for these groups - what they really need is a helping hand. So we’ve decided to take more of an old-school approach.

Our team’s solution is the Digivan. The digivan will take digital services to the people who need them, when they need them.

These digi-vans will consist of a friendly face and access to services such as technology assistance. On board will be a laptop and tablet, a printer, and even a scanner - everything needed to help people connect to digital services. To ensure Covid safety, all staff with be appropriately trained, and all assistance will take place with masks on outdoors, where transmission has been shown to be significantly less likely. Need help with myGov? Staff will be trained to help you get what you need. Need a form printed? The Digivan has you covered!

We have used ABS data to understand where the highest numbers of people from vulnerable communities are located, so that a pilot scheme can be run in these communities. Using databases from service providers, Digi-van team members will contact people who may need the service, and will also be available for appointment via phone call.

#digi-van #covid-19 #older australians #elderly #disability #digital services #government services

Data Story

We've taken ABS spatial data around population age, and an NDIS dataset around disability insurance claims, and used it to understand where pilot programs should operate (Mount Gambier and Victor Harbour). We've also used a dataset of disability service providers, who Digi-van can work with to contact those in need.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Disability Service Providers register - Disability Act 2006

Description of Use This register of Diability Service Providers will be useful for Digi-van administrators, who can liaise with each of these service providers to identify vulnerable community members who may need Digi-van assistance

Data Set

NDIA - Number of NDIS Participants (SA2) 2019

Description of Use Used as a basis for determining which areas are in most critical need of Digi-van services

Data Set

Disability apps and tools

Description of Use This dataset will help Digi-van operators to ensure they are using appropriate disability related digital toolkits

Data Set

ABS - Regional Population - Population Estimates by Age and Sex (SA2) 2019

Description of Use Used as the basis for selecting pilot sites for the program, alongside disability data.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Reimagining Digital Government Services

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Meeting the needs of vulnerable Australians during a global pandemic

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Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.