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Arwa_Team 1904

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Evidence of Work

Displacing Diesel

Project Info

Team Name

Arwa_Team 1904

Team Members


Project Description

  1. Northern Territory government initialising a vital step for improving energy efficiency by taking a measure step of displacing diesel.
  2. As a software engineers keep in mind to make the software which create zero emission.

#saveenergy #advancetechnology

Data Story

  1. The intense study of data states that the diesel consumption is very dangerous for the community and also it is difficult to deliver diesel in every 8 weeks to the small community for the purpose of giving power to them.
  2. I studied through the datasets of various vehicles and realised that the diesel consumption is very risky to use and deliver as well.
  3. Using data analysis, I come to know about Western Australia project of replacing old diesel engines with new technology. They proposed a 22 MW gas power station, with fuel drawn from the new gas extension, powered by our new gas-fired Osprey engines. Ultimately, this could make significant cost savings while reducing their carbon footprint at the same time.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Northern Territory Fleet Vehicle Profiles - June 2022

Data Set

Annual Traffic Report 2020

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Displacing Diesel

How might we use data and technology to displace all diesel in the Territory?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.