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Team Microgrids

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Evidence of Work

Distributed Renewable Energy Integration

Project Info

Team Name

Team Microgrids

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Simulations were created for a theoretical Microgrid based in Yeppoon, Regional Queensland. An optimisation was performed on the data using a quadrated cost-function, the least-squared approach over voltage, frequency, total-harmoic distortion and phase-shift. Regional living and the regional economy would benefit greatly via microgrids because of black-out like events shutting down regional prosperity.

Data Story

Historical Australian Energy Market Operator(AEMO) National Energy Market (NEM) data was used as a historical reference that shows how the wholesale price and demand have changed over the years (QLD, NSW, VIC, SA & TAS) in Mathematica. A MATLAB Simulink model was created as a real use-case of post-code dependant solar PV optimisation in a futuristic theoretical microgrid in Yeppoon (postcode 4703). The optimisation was done on this post-code data by using it as an example of the amount of power in a system that a regional centre posseses.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Postcode Data for Small-Scale Installations

Description of Use Used in the MATLAB & Simulink modelling for standard conditions that Virtual Oscillator Controls (VOCs) would be running. This data has been used directly in real simulations of a Yeppoon (postcode 4703) Microgrid to measure power-quality issues such as RMS voltage levels, frequency, Total-Harmonic Distortion (THD) and synchronisation-time/phase-shift between VOCs.

Data Set

AEMO NEM - Aggregated Price and Demand Data - Historical

Description of Use Created an interactive Mathematica map for showing the Regional Retail Price (RRP) ($/MWh) and Total Demand (MW) for Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania over half hourly periods. Tasmania data starts in May 2005, while the rest of the listed states December 1998. Particular times such as 24th of August 2019 at 11:00 am show that the wholesale RRP across all NEM regions are negative, which is highly likely attributed to the increased penetration of residential and commercial solar panels compared to demand. "Duck Curves" show this process, and Microgrids with batteries and Virtual Oscillator Controls (VOCs) can alleviate such power-quality problems.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Economy and Jobs

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Highlighting the regional living advantages over metropolitan capitals.

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