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CDU Innovation Team

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Evidence of Work

Doctor Now

Project Info

Team Name

CDU Innovation Team

Team Members

Yu , Rosie , Ludwig

Project Description

Our project focuses on designing and building an application that allows the patients to do a pre-symptom check before visiting GP/ED. The results of the pre-check will lead them to 1) medicine suggestions 2) visit GP only, or 3) go to ED. If it is option 3), the patients can fill out a form that will be forwarded to the EP so that the patients can skip the reception time at ED. Our application also provides online doctor consultation within the Australian doctor network and to even the burden caused by doctor shortage in some states. In addition, the application suggests health training courses and send out alarms for annual medical check for the users to stay healthy and prevent medical uses. The purpose of our application is to reduce the unnecessary ED visits and reallocate the resources in a more efficient way.

#dataanalysis #emergencydepartment #medicalapplication #hospital #doctorconsultation #medicaltraining #healthapplication

Data Story

We went through NTG open dataset for the project. We mainly applied Emergency-department-care-2018-19 datasets for analysis. The data demonstrated the current key issues about the emergency department (ED) usage and provided us insights into why our project is very important. The key points of the data story are the followings.

1. Number of ED usage has increased over time in Australia and Northern Territory
2. Main patients have visited ED were from the age group of 25 to 54
3. Heavily traffic visits to ED from 8 am – 2 pm → Online Doctor Consultation
4. The main diagnosis in ED among different age groups can help us to design health training courses to prevent hospital visits
5. Nearly 50% visits were classified as “not-urgent” and “semi-urgent”. Those visits can be eliminated by our applications
6. A long wait time (more than 4 hours) in ED. About 56% of long wait were categorized as “not-urgent” and “semi-urgent”

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Emergency Department Care 2018-19

Description of Use We used the dataset to identify the most common cause for a patient to visit the ED, and instances where a visit is not warranted and the patient was turned away. This allows us to design a symptom checker to direct people with non-urgent illness to other resources, for them to self manage their symptoms or connecting them to a GP for further consultation online.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Meeting short-term health needs outside of a hospital

How can we use available technologies to support people’s health needs and stay out of hospital?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.