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Evidence of Work

Eco Pulse

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Khushbu Patel , Kevin , senthill , Charu , Keerthi , Bharath Kumar

Project Description

1.Decision support tool to re-skill & redeploy work force powered by analytics modelling.
2.Supported by priority local procurement & social enterprise framework.
3.Supported by social sentiment analysis tool & digital democracy for community engagement.

#recovery #community #growth #industries #jobs #social sentiment #local procurement

Data Story

  1. Used Labour force data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
  2. Used jupyter notebook and python libraries like pandas, stat models, matplotlib for forecasting
  3. Pre-processed the data and used the relevant data required for analysis and forecasting
  4. Analysed the data and presented in visually appealing graphs using Matplotlib
  5. Used ARIMA model for forecasting
  6. Derive insights and conclusions based on the model results

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Labour Force Data Forcasting

Description of Use Forecasting jobs

Data Set

ABS Open Data

Description of Use Jobs Affected, Spending Pattern

Data Set

ACT Open Data

Description of Use employment/revenue

Data Set

Victorian Open Data

Description of Use Employemnt and Spending data

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2017-18

Description of Use Profit Revenue

Data Set


Data Set

Challenge Entries

COVID-19 Economic / Social Recovery

How might we use data to assist our understanding of what a post-COVID-19 Victoria may look like?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Economic recovery, jobs and livelihoods in SA

Supply chains are the entire process of producing a good or service, from sourcing raw materials to distributing the final product to market. How can we contribute to SA's economic resilience by focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by disruptions to supply chains?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Re-energising our city centre during the COVID-19 pandemic

In the midst of, and following, the COVID-19 pandemic, how can Liverpool City Council and the community use data to access the right information and tools to create a vibrant Liverpool city centre where people feel safe and the local economy can grow and prosper?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Community growth and recovery

Local economies, particularly the hospitality and tourism sectors, have been hit hard this year with the bushfires and the effects of COVID-19. These challenges have a far reaching impact on our local communities. How might we help communities recover by encouraging people to engage safely with local businesses?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Industry assistance during COVID-19

How can we help identify and assist people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.