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USC Researchers

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Evidence of Work

Fire Focus

Project Info

Team Name

USC Researchers

Team Members

6 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Be Prepared, Be Safe, and Be Alert are the three facets of bushfire safety that the USC Researchers team have applied to establish the "Fire Focus" campaign. This campaign involves the development of an education program for bushfire awareness and preparation, the establishment of National Bushfire Awareness Day, and the distribution of a multi-use application for services and help within all three facets. The “Fire Focus” application, aims to collect, integrate and present critical bush fire disaster data in one place to increase the safety of the effected communities.

#fire #firefocus #usc #mobile #app #safety #preparation #data #prepare #education #prevention #wildfires #bushfires #queensland

Data Story

The development of Fire Focus began with the framing of problem statements that were relevant to the GovHack challenges. Once these problem statements had been agreed upon the group split into 3 different areas to go collect, interpret and evaluate relevant data to better understand the issues. One of the key outcomes of this was the mass availability and ease of interpretation of GIS data. Gathering spatial data on fire risk zones, built up areas, community centres and road maps. Layering of the maps allows us to extrapolate where to target education programs, what locations are higher risk and live fire tracking with safe evacuation routes using road maps to nearby community centres open for shelter.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Defined Forest Area

Description of Use Used to define areas at a higher risk of bush fires.

Data Set

Bushfire Prone Area - Queensland Series

Description of Use The use of data that highlighted bushfire prone areas is essential in notifying users in these locations of their risk through the fire focus app.

Data Set

Built up Areas - Queensland

Description of Use Built up area data used to identify locations that would suffer the greatest loss to infrastructure in the event of a bushfire.

Data Set

Baseline Roads and Tracks

Description of Use Application of road and track location data can be used to direct users to appropriate safe locations and circumnavigate fires using the Fire Focus app.

Data Set

Community facilities - Queensland

Description of Use This data set was used to identify locations that could be shelter locations in the event of fires.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bushfire Ready

What can we do to prevent or prepare for bushfires?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.