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Team Name:

Water Warriors

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

FireWater - showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water.

Project Info

Water Warriors thumbnail

Team Name

Water Warriors

Team Members

Samantha , Andrew , John , Leo , Hamideh Iraj , Anoop Mishra

Project Description

Location of, and Real time water level monitoring of, rural water tanks and other water sources, for emergency services preparing for and dealing with a fire emergency.

#theme-australian-bushfires #theme-emergency-management #theme-open-science

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

CSIRO Fire Danger

Description of Use Allow the comparison of soil moisture data combined with CSIRO Fire Risk data to allow planning of fire tanks and availability of hydrants

Data Set

TERN soil moisture

Description of Use Allow the comparison of soil moisture data combined with CSIRO Fire Risk data to allow planning of fire tanks and availability of hydrants.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Data Driven IoT Insights for sustainable communities

How can data from connected devices on the wireless Internet of Things (IoT) network be used to make our community spaces - our homes, towns, cities or region - more efficient and sustainable?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Engaging communities in hazard reporting & safety

How might we better prepare & deal with natural disasters in Australia?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Identifying government investment for enhancing community safety

How can governments apply resources so as to proactively address social issues before they escalate and require reactive interventions (e.g. social work, law enforcement etc.)?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.