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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Karthick and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Provide a consolidated view for the CFS volunteers to access critical information during an incident or when in a strike team

Data Story

The context and objective of this project is to provide a consolidated view for the CFS volunteers to access critical information during an incident or a strike team and that will assist CFS planning for and responding to incidents. The machine learning model used considers the datasets from Bureau of Meterology, previous incidents responded by CFS, sources of water like Dams, rivers, accessibility to properties and other parks , roads information. This provides Artificial intelligence and way to identify fire patterns and plan for crews accordingly including support agencies during peak fire seasons. The app will also provide the nearvy fuel stations, the Incident controllers, the staging area location and different sectors involved in the incident. The application will also consolidate the emergency management data which includes logisitics, shift rosters etc and provide a consolidated view for the crew on the ground. The suggestion is also to link the mobile application or have a notification mechanism by having a IOT device in vehicles which will notify the ESTA automatically in case of a major collisions or incidents,. This will help in rural areas where number of transport road users are less. This will be done based on IOT sensors placed in vehicles and common locations.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets


Data Set

Traffic Delays data

Data Set

CFS Incidents

Data Set

CFS regional incident set

Data Set

Number of CFS volunteers

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Save Lives With Data

How can we use data and technology to better the health of the Australian population, and what could be the economic impacts?

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.

Improving Response

Best entry that assists CFS planning for and responding to incidents.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Better Services - Citizens at the Centre

How can we provide better services to South Australian citizens and businesses?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Emergency Planning and Response

How can we better plan and respond to emergencies?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.