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Milk is Optional

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Project Info

Milk is Optional thumbnail

Team Name

Milk is Optional

Team Members

Wilko and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

This is a GovHack 2022 submission, primarily targeted at the flood, fire and the future: the road to resilience challenge. We created a data visualization tool which can be used to view common freight routes and infrastructure along with disaster maps such as the 2011 flood inundation map.

Freight routes are currently displayed as highlighted green roads. In order to improve performance, the API will intelligently filter out roads which are not relevant to your viewing window. On the left, various display options can be toggled on and off to ensure only relevant data is displayed.

There are several opportunities for future expansion to improve the utility of FreightRelocate:

  • In the proof of concept, only Queensland data was used. A real website would collate data from all states in order to form a national system.
  • Pandemic route complications are not considered, since only one state is being considered.
  • Bushfire visualization was partially working previously, but due to time limitations it was not re-implemented after moving to a faster rendering method.
  • In a final system, users would be able to enter (and store) routes. This tool could then show which sections of the route are at most risk along with possible detours.
  • Routing should take rest stop locations into account, for instance, and the estimated cost for each detour. For in-progress routes, the vehicle's current locations could be super-imposed.
  • Use data from the Bureau of Meteorology to show routes which could potentially be affected within the next 24 hours.
  • Use data from emergency services and local councils to show which routes are being affected currently.
  • Based on the three previous dot points and data about the cargo, it can prioritize routes that need to be reviewed based on urgency, risk and importance.

If these future expansions were implemented, this could potentially make FreightRelocate an indispensable tool for freight and logistics companies. If you would like more information, please check our repository and try the site for yourself.

#freight #map #truck #cargo #cartography

Data Story

This data shows Queensland's past with various types of natural disasters, and to some extent where they are likely to occur in the future. With the climate emergency only getting worse, it is imperative that we prepare for a future where we have to not only love a sunburnt country, but one that is burnt the normal way too. One of the best ways to prepare is to ensure that no disaster can leave our road network and associated infrastructure inoperable, and using open source mapping data along with road census and rest stop data, FreightRelocate could be a vital tool in preparing for our future. Throughout this project, we have explored how to best utilize this data and brainstormed what we could do, given more time and resources, to prevent supply shortages.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas

Description of Use It is currently used to show where rest stops are located on the map. In the future, this would also be used for ensuring that drivers hit the required number and length for rest stops.

Data Set

Harmonised National Roadworks

Description of Use This is used to show roads which have been closed in the past.

Data Set

Bushfire prone area - Queensland series

Description of Use This is used for showing which regions (specifically roads) are most likely to be affected by bushfires.

Data Set

Flood Extent Series

Description of Use Used to draw flood information on the map

Data Set

2020 traffic census data

Description of Use Identifying truck routes.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Flood, fire and the future: the road to resilience

Help transport planners find and predict which roads will be blocked or damaged in the next flood or bushfire

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

What’s going where?

Help transport planners find the detailed locations that different types of freight are coming from and going to

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.