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Team Green

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Gamba Alert

Project Info

Team Name

Team Green

Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Wild bushfire is a major cause of natural disasters across Australia and in particular the Northern Territory. Bushfires has been a part of natural calamities for centuries. Northern Territory with its vast wild landscape and millions of hectares of bushland is massively prone to deadly bushfires. Gamba trees pose the greatest scale of bushfire risk in the Northern Territory. When bushfire is initiated, the Gamba trees usually influences it to spread at a very rapid rate, this creates a massive risk for the inhabitants residing around the bushland.e
In this project we are planning on developing a monitoring application for Gamba growth and eradication across the Northern Territory. This application would allow government clienteles to locate and monitor growth of gamba plants in the NT. There is a multitude of advantage which comes with the application. Government agencies would be able to evaluate and monitor the eradication of the gamba growths in Darwin. The application would allow us to phase projects too.
It will help communities to update government on their process on the affected lands. Also, it will help them to track their work on the land. However, government locations can be monitored as well through the app.
On the other hand, for zone B where it is not accessible for transport there can be implementation of drone. It can also be updated in the app so there will be exact idea which areas are covered in eradication.

#reduce_wild_fire #reduce_gamba_gass #reduce_gambagrass_risk #gamba_alert

Data Story


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Challenge Entries

How can we beat Gamba Grass?

How can we reduce the risk of fire and damage caused by gamba grass to the natural environment, life, property and infrastructure?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.