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Team Name:

Hunter Gatherers

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Hunter Gatherers thumbnail

Team Name

Hunter Gatherers

Team Members

Peter , Freya , Joee and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Gather was inspired by the social connection domain in the ACT’s Wellbeing Framework, our work in this domain could make a difference by examining data around both social connection and how it improves wellbeing.

Gather is an app informed by research and aims to:
- improve social connection of individuals
- validate and contribute to "action research" with the ACT's Wellbeing Framework
- provide community groups and government bodies with data for improving their community events.

#wellbeing #connectedness #app #events #community #data

Data Story

Data Story

Gather was inspired by the social connection domain in the ACT’s Wellbeing Framework, our work in this domain could make a difference by examining data around both social connection and how it improves wellbeing.

Gather is an app informed by research and aims to:
- improve social connection of individuals
- validate and contribute to "action research" with the ACT's Wellbeing Framework
- provide community groups and government bodies with data for improving their community events.

ACT Wellbeing Framework

Supporting data

We looked at some databases and studies to understand social connection and civic participation and how it might relate to health and wellbeing.

Social Determinants of Health (WHO)

Key Volunteering Statistics

Voter Turnout. 2016

Australian Welfare 2023

Wellbeing measures dashboard

Mapping Social Cohesion

Loneliness and social connectedness in Australia

Data used in App

Internet event databases were used to populate the events part of the app.

Launceston City Events

Accessiblilty Map of Launceston

Launceston Central - guide to community

Launceston Community Directory](

ABS Cultural and Creative Activities

Data collection

The data collected was determined by the information collected in the ACT Living Well survey

ACT Living Well survey 2020 and 2021

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

BankWest Curtin Economics Centre - Stronger Together - Loneliness and Social Connectedness in Australia Nov 2021

Description of Use Data used as theoritical underpinnings for the evidence base to show connection between civic participation, social connection, and wellbeing.

Data Set

Cultural and Creative activities 2021-2022

Description of Use Data used to provide theoretical underpinnings and evidence base connecting civic participation to social connectedness and wellbeing

Data Set

Launceston Community Directory

Description of Use These groups would be invited to utilise the app to advertise their events, widening the reach of community engagement with the app.

Data Set

Launceston Central - Your guide to the city

Description of Use Data scraped to provide event listings for app from private entities.

Data Set

City of Launceston Upcoming Events

Description of Use Data scraped from local government website to add to app to build events list on app

Data Set

Accessible public toilets and parking bays Launceston

Description of Use Map has been used to provide accessibility information for event sites utilised within app

Data Set

Voter Turnout 2016

Description of Use Provides theoretical underpinnings to correlations between social exclusion and reduced engagement in voting, a civic activity, providing justification for the development of the app

Data Set

Mapping Social Cohesion 2021

Description of Use Provides theoretical underpinning of concepts linking social inclusion and political participation, providing justification for the development of the app

Data Set

Wellbeing Measures Dashboard

Description of Use Provided scaffolding of app questions and allowed for development of local area using existing framework.

Data Set

Australia’s Welfare 2023

Description of Use Provided national figures for loneliness.

Data Set

Key Volunteering Statistics 2024

Description of Use Provides baseline for comparing local government statistics to other areas.

Data Set

2022 Living Well in the ACT

Description of Use Provides a point of reference from one community as a start point for development.

Data Set

Social Determinants of Health

Description of Use Provided broader detail to allow for generalisability of domains in application of framework beyond ACT.

Data Set

ACT Government Wellbeing Framework

Description of Use Underpins the Gather App framework.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Civic participation for a more resilient, cohesive democracy.

How can we help more people to understand their democracy, have an opportunity to participate in civic life, contribute to their community, and/or feel a sense of belonging and responsibility?

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovating Wellbeing Measurement – Uncovering New Connections

We want to explore different ways to link data and outcomes to domains and indicators under the <a href=""> ACT Government’s Wellbeing Framework.</a> Exploring external data sources can provide broader insights into the factors influencing our wellbeing, and improve its measurement.

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.