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LiveTiles Team B

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Evidence of Work

Geoffrey, Your Friendly Property Safety Adviser ChatBot

Project Info

LiveTiles Team B thumbnail

Team Name

LiveTiles Team B

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

So…you have decided to buy a house!
What a great idea
So you think you know what risks are involved? That’s where you are wrong!
What about all the potential disasters you can’t foresee?….well now you can, with Geoffrey your friendly property safety advisor!
He’s the friendly no-fuss bot that can do all the hardwork for you!
He searches through huge amounts of data to see if the house you are looking at is at risk from:
flash flooding or rising sea levels - from climate change
Did you know a landslip zone can stop you from being able to rebuild your house?
He can even know if you are at risk of bushfire! But don’t worry
Geoffrey is here to help and guide you in choosing the right property to suit you…

Geoffrey is a ChatBot, Chrome extension that queries 9 data sets to provide helpful insights about properties a customer is looking at.
The ChatBot gets out of the customers way until it notices they are looking at a property that may cause headaches if they were to purchase it.

Some of technologies we leveraged:
- Microsoft's natural language understanding platform - This let's us interpret what users are asking the bot
- Microsoft's QnA Maker - Question and Answer knowledge base system
- Microsoft's Bot Framework - Gateway for bot messaging
- Azure Functions - Hosting our service that calls dataset apis and normalises the responses.

Data Story

We query 9 spatial data sets on 'The List', a portal for state data.

The datasets we chose to use, provide information that would be useful to know during the process of buying a house.

Tasmanian Heritage Register - If a property is heritage listed there are restrictions on what modifications can be made.

Coastal Inundation Mapping - Is the property at risk of flooding in a storm or high tide?

Coastal Projected Sea Level Rise - Is the property going to be effected by rising sea levels?

LIST Easements - Are there any easements on the property?

Bushfire Interface Areas - Is the property at risk of bush fire damage?

Tas Water Dam/Reservoir Flood Inundation Summary - Is the property at risk of being damaged by a flood from a dam or reservoir

Landslide Planning Report - Is the property on a known landslip area?

Cadastral Parcels - We used this dataset to determine the bounds of properties

Coastal Erosion Component - Is the property at risk of damage from erosion?

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Coastal Erosion Component

Description of Use We used this data to advise a customer if the property they are looking at is in an area at risk of erosion

Data Set

Bushfire Interface Areas

Description of Use We used this information to advise customers if the property they are looking at is at risk of a bush fire

Data Set

Cadastral Parcels

Description of Use We used this data to determine the bounds of a property

Data Set

LIST Easements

Description of Use We used this data to advise customers if a property they are looking at has any easements on it.

Data Set

Landslide Planning Report

Description of Use A buyer of a property should know if the property is in a landslip area as this could make it difficult or impossible to construct on the land. A landslide could cause damage to the property which could be very expensive.

Data Set

Tas Water Dam/Reservoir Flood Inundation Summary

Description of Use A potential buyer of a property may like to know if the property is likely to be damaged by flooding reservoirs.

Data Set

Coastal Projected Sea Level Rise

Description of Use We used this data to determine if a property is in an area effected by rising sea levels

Data Set

Coastal Inundation Mapping

Description of Use Used to determine if a building is in a flood prone area

Data Set

Tasmanian Heritage Register

Description of Use Used to identify if a building is heritage listed, which could make it difficult to renovate or make changes to the property

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best use of Tasmanian Heritage Data

How can we use datasets that focus on Tasmanian Heritage data to highlight Tasmania's

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Commercial Potential

How can we showcase Tasmanian Data, and create something that could go on to be Commercial success.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Best use of Tasmanian Spatial Data Challenge

How can we use a Tasmanian spatial data to improve Tasmanian residents lives on a daily basis.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Most outstanding Tasmanian Benefit

How can we use data to benefit residents of the state.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.