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Team Name:

Healthy Australia

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Healthy Australia

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Healthy Australia

Who we are

A team of five men with a passion... a dream... a hope to build a better connected, healthier Australia!

What is GovLeave?

A government managed platform to mediate the negotiation of sick leave between employers and employees in a fair and transparent manner. This platform will act as a 3rd party which sits between the employer and employee. An employee will initiate sick leave through this platform, which will in turn inform the employer of the request. Both parties will be informed of their rights and responsibilities regarding sick leave specific to the nature of their working relationship.
Parties have the option of negotiating sick leave, and escalating issues to relevant government bodies (eg. fair work australia). This app hopes to promote employees utilising their available sick leave (to prevent the spread of disease), and also to protect employers from unfair demands.

Data Story

This app will provide a messaging platform between employers and employees, and also present information (health statistics and financial data) relevant to the negotiation of sick leave. AI will track the utilisation of sick leave, and help identify unfair actions by either party.
While health statistics will attempt to inform sick employees of the risks they pose to others or, on the other hand, the consequences of taking unnecessary sick leave.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Emergency Department Admissions and Attendances

Description of Use To validate data about when employees do call in sick.

Data Set

Absenteeism At Work

Description of Use Used for making employees aware of the risk they pose to others, when afflicted with a certain disease.

Data Set

Overwhelmed America

Description of Use To be used to inform the decision of employees before taking leave.

Data Set

Attendance in the APS: Unscheduled Absence

Description of Use Used to inform decisions about making employees aware of their effect on their company.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Government Services Challenge

How might we better understand citizens' transaction preference and behaviours to make Queensland Government services easier to use?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Integrating AIHW

How can we integrate AIHW and other data sources in interesting ways?

Go to Challenge | 28 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Commercially Viable Project

Most Commercially Viable Project

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

Work Life Made Easy

How can we make work life easier for employers and their workforces – now, and into the future?

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.